Chapter 23

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Elijah's POV

6 additional days.

December 18 to December 24.

1 f**king day until Christmas.


Tori's still missing.

"Any luck?"
I stopped the typing on my laptop to look up at Simone who just walked in the room.
She sighed and sat on my bed, and looked at me.
"What about the library. Have you checked there? You know, pull on one of the books until a secret compartment opens."my tired eyes saw the look hope on her face.
"That was the first place I checked."
The only response I got was another sigh.
"Okay."she whispered and then got up and left.
I let out a sigh of my own and went back to researching what I was before.
I pressed the enter button again, hoping that the output of what I searched the last time will be different.

Most suitable place in a house to have a secret room.

The result came back the same each time.

'We have found no results.'

"Ugh! Damn it."I got frustrated and threw the keyboard to the ground, causing all other attachments to fall with it. I had no intention of picking them up, I planned on staring at them until I felt satisfied.
"Dude. That's not going to get you any closer to where Tori is."
I snapped my head up towards my door that has been opened once more and glared at Vaughan.

"Dont f**king start with me."
He put his hand up in a surrendering motion and entered the room cautiously.
"Jeez man. I just wanted to help."
"If you want to help you can start by searching the house."I couldn't even recognize my own voice anymore. It was filled with so much anger.
"I just searched the house."
"Well f**king search it again Vaughan!"I lost all the calm I had. I abruptly stood up and knocked over the remaining supplies on my desk, causing them to join the already messy pile on the floor.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! What the f**k is going on in here?!"
Both of us looked up to see DJ, Damian and Micheal now standing in the doorway.
"Well?"Micheal pressed for an answer.
"Elijah's hurting and he's taking it out on his desk supplies."Vaughan answered then looked at me before walking over to where they stood.
"Seriously Elijah. We all lost our girls and you're the one behaving this way?"DJ now had a glare on his face, hands crossed infront of his chest.
"People retaliate in different ways when they're hurting DJ."I said, now crouching down to pick up what was still on the floor.
Damian scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest also.
"Ha.You're hurting. I was tied to a chair and hit in the head with a gun. You didn't feel half the pain I felt. So I would advise you to stop acting like a little bitch, and help us find the girls."
That caused me to stop and glare up at him from under my eyelashes.
"You heard me."
"Don't say that. Because you don't know what you're talking about."I managed to grit out, slowly rising to stand flat on my feet.
"Don't I Elijah? We all know you don't truly care about Tori like how me and DJ care about Shontae and Chelsea. You were lonely, and tired of having just one night stands. And Tori was.....there."
To be honest, I was really taken aback by what he said.

How can he say that?

"Take that back. Now."
"No. I won't. Because we all know it's true."
At that time, all I saw was red. I stormed over to where he was, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.
"Elijah! Stop!"DJ tried to pull me away from him but I wasn't having any of it. I just simply shrugged him off.
"Listen here Damian. You don't know what's going through my thoughts, so I don't want you making assumptions. Just leave me the f**k alone!!"with the last sentence I said brought him forward and pushed him against the wall again.
"What is going on in here?"
Before I knew it, I was being pulled away from Damian and a hand was on my shoulder. I looked down at my mother and saw her worried expression. Little of the anger in my body faded but enough was still there to bash Damian's head in later.
"Elijah. Calm down. Mommy's here. Please,  don't do anything stupid."
"I won't mom. Only if Damian takes back what he said, because obviously he has no idea what he's talking about."
I glared at him, overlooking my mother.
"Yes I f**king do!"he shrugged off DJ that was holding him back and took a threatening step towards me.
"I know that the day Tori came into our lives you've stopped being your usual asshole self. Just because she's fresh and doesn't know about your past you think you can keep her around to let her see things your way."
I gently shrugged off my mother's hand and stalked over to where Damian was, standing directly infront of him.
"I'm going to say this one last time. You don't know what you're talking about."
"And I'm going to ask this one last time? Don't I Elijah? Okay. Then answer me this. Why have you changed ever since you met Tori?"
I gave him one last glare before I walked away, back to my desk to finish what I started.
"Answer me!"
"Because I love her! I f**king love her! Is that wrong?! Huh? Is it wrong to love someone that you care about?"
The items that were in my hands now on the floor once more. Everyone in the room was now staring and me, mouth agape. My mother recovered the fastest and walked over to me and engulfed me into a hug.
"It's okay sweetheart. It's okay to love."
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her as tight as I could.
"I know mom. It's just that I've never felt this way before. I hate seeing the people I love get hurt."
She pulled away from me and held me at arms length, looking me directly in my eyes.
"Honey. You can't always prevent the ones you love from get hurting. That's apart of life, and you can't change that."
"I know mom. But I just can't imagine Tori, or even you with a big hole in your head. It's tr-......"I trailed off when I finally interpreted what I just said.

I hate seeing the one's I love hurt.

"Oh my God."I stood there shocked, looking at my mom with wide eyes.
"What is it Elijah?"
" ones.....find Tori."I fumbled with my words, trying to form a complete sentence. After a couple of tries, I gave up.
"Just follow me."
I then dashed out the door, passing Simone and Leo along the way, everyone else following in tow. I ran until I reached my destination.

My dad's old office.

I stood directly infront of his desk and stared at what I came looking for.
"Elijah. What are you doing?"I looked behind me to the door and saw that everyone was there, watching me with confused gazes.
I simply ignored them and faced the picture on the wall once more. A big portrait painting of my mother.
"Elijah. What are you doing?"
I ignored my mother's question once more and walk over to where my father kept his golf clubs and picked up the largest one. I walked back over to the painting and lifted the club behind my head, ready to swing.




'I'm very close Elijah. Closer than you'll expect. But, the only way you'll find me is to hurt someone you really love.'

And then I swung.

The club connected in the center of the painting, causing a big hole to be seen at the spot that connected my mother's head to her body.
A loud click could be heard and a low rumble started to echo throughout the room. The wall that the picture was mounted on slowly stared to glide to the left. It glided until it was fully out of sight and we could see what was behind it.

An elevator.

Feeling satisfied, I turned to face everyone at the door.
"I think I just found out where to find our girls."

AN: Yayy!! Chapter 23. What'd you think. Secret room huh? Why do you think this is happening? Don't forget to vote, comment and share.
Yours truly,

Better With You | EDITINGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz