Chapter 22

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"The one and only."the voice that was once feminine said.
We all stuttered, at a lost for words.
"Okay."Chelsea found her words before we did, "What the actual f**k? We barely know you. Why would you want to kidnap us?"
We all looked to her, or should I say him for an answer.
"Isn't it obvious?"when he didn't get a response from us, he sighed and continued, "You're all friends with Elijah. They say that if you really want to hurt someone, hurt the ones they love."
We all looked at him, dumbfounded. One question floating around in all of our minds. I decided to speak this time.
"But why? Why would you want to do this to us? Why would you want to transform yourself to something your not?"
"I wasn't a girl to begin with Tori! I was of the male specimen. Just like Vaughan. Just like DJ. And just like Elijah."
"But I don't understand. Kelia-"
"It's Kelio."he cut me off, looking more pissed off than before.
"My name. It's Kelio."
"Keyleo?"I asked, trying my best to pronounce what he just said.
"No! Keee-liiiii-oooo! Kelio!"
"Yes!"he let a satisfactory grin take over his face. He started to walk closer to me, causing me to shrink back further in my chair than I already was. He walked until he was one footstep away, crouching until he was eye level with me.
"Now let's get you guys fed."
He then walked away and exited the room. I turned to look at both Chelsea and Shontae, their facial expression telling me everything they were feeling.

Confused. Scared.

"We have to find a way to get out of here."I said to them.
"What are we supposed to do? I'm pretty sure she, I'm sorry, he has a gun."Shontae said, panic written all over her face.
"Yeah but we still have to try."
"Yeah but what if we try and we don't succeed. What if we get hurt? Or even worse, what if we die."
I was about to answer her when the door opened once again. In came 'Kelio' with a food cart. On it laid three bowls, filled with brown substances.
"Dinner is served ladies."
He took up the first bowl and looked at all of us.
"I might need some help in feeding all of you. Dylan! Come and give me a hand."
At the sound of his name, Dylan walked through the door. We all looked at him but he avoided our gazes.
"Feed DJ's whore and Damian's slut. I'll take care of Tori."Kelio directed. Dylan wasted no time in grabbing two bowls and walking towards them.
"Who you calling a whore?"Chelsea spat, trying to get up from the chair but failed when the ropes bounded her to the chair.
"Don't let me put a bullet in you earlier than I planned."Kelio threw over his shoulder before focusing back on me.
He exited the room once more and came back with a pull out chair. He situated it right infront of me and sat down. He then gathered some of the 'mush' in the bowl on a spoon and tried to put it in my mouth. I refused it everytime, not wanting to consume something that was touched by him.
"Your stubbornness won't get you anywhere in life Tori."
I didn't answer. Instead, I focused on the now closed door behind him. He too saw what I was doing and looked behind him to look at the door also.
"What are you trying to do? Stare as hard as you can and hope that someone will come and rescue you? Well guess what. No one's going to walk through that door. No one's going to save you."

Okay. Ouch.

I looked at him and stared him dead in the eye.
"And let me tell you this. You're wrong."
At the same time, the door flew open, causing all our heads to snap towards it. My heart sank when I saw who it was.

It wasn't my night in shining armor.

"Cleo! What the f**k! You scared me."Kelio shouted, the 'food' in his hands all forgotten.

I felt betrayed. How could Cleo do this me.

"Yeah. I'm sorry boss. I had to push the door open so that I could bring in the next package."
"Oh. You got the next girl? Where is she?"Kelio perked up at this. Ready to see who his new stock of kidnapped girls is.
Cleo didn't answer him, just went outside the door and dragged the girl by her hair into the room.
"Oww. Let go of me you psychopath!"the girl yelled. I wasn't even surprised when I saw who it was.
"What the f**k! Jodie?"Dylan's bowl was now on the floor and he was up on his feet.
"You promised me that she wouldn't be brought into this. That she'd be safe."he shouted, stalking closer towards Kelio.
"Oh please. She needs to be here. She deserves to be here."Kelio threatened, stalking closer towards him also.
"She's my sister!"
"Yet still you're attracted to her in a sexual way!"
The tension that now filled the room could be cut with a knife.

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