Chapter 15

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Tori's POV

I woke up to the sun shining on my face through the windows. It seems like I forgot to close the curtains last night. I was contemplating going back to bed, but I chose against it and got up. I looked at my alarm clock and read it.
Monday, December 11, 7:45 am.
I stared at it for awhile. I blinked once, I blinked twice, until it finally hit me.

It's Monday!

It's been 2 weeks since I've been out of the coma. The doctor said today should be suitable for me to go back to school, only if I don't engage in any physical activity, such as gym.
I scurried to get out of bed and went to my bathroom. I quickly did the usual, showered and got dressed, leaving my hair out in its natural curls.
When I finished and looked at the time I nearly fainted. 8:12.

School starts at 8:30!

I grabbed my phone and rushed downstairs, passing Leo along the way. Malcolm wasn't here, ever since I got out of the hospital, he's been staying more to the west side of the house. Avoiding me like the plague, scared that if he sees me again, he'll do something and I won't make it out alive this time.
"Come on, let's go. We're already late!"Leo completely ignored my statement and carried on eating his breakfast.
"Are you deaf? I said let's go."
"I'm ignoring you for a reason Tori."Leo rolled his eyes and ignored me once more.
"And why is that?"
"Because, I'm not going to school today."he said like it was nothing.
"And why is that?"
"Today's parent, teacher consultation. Since I don't have one of those, I shall be staying home."
"Why didn't you tell me Leo. I would have made arrangements to come with you."I sighed when I realized he was being ridiculous.
"I didn't tell you because your not my mom!"he screamed at me and stormed out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind him. His bedroom door followed shortly after.


I sighed when I realized I had to talk to him. I can't leave him here in this state.
I slowly climbed the stairs and made my way to his bedroom. When I got there, I stood outside the door, listening for any sound that could give me a hint of how he was feeling.
"Leo?"I knocked once.

No answer.

"Leo?"I knocked twice.

Once answer.

"Leo?"the third and final knock. I'm not knocking again, I'm just going to open the door next time.
"Go away Tori. I don't want to talk."

Oh, he did answer.

"Please Leo, we need to talk. Just open the door."I was met with silence once again. At first I thought he was ignoring me, but I was proven wrong when the door slowly opened, revealing a tear stained face Leo. He opened the door a little wider, a signal that I can come in. I stepped inside and looked around.

I haven't been in here for awhile.

His bed was unmade and there were clothes everywhere. None of that bothered me though. The only thing that bothered me was the fact that he had the same picture of mom that I had on my bedside table on his bed. Tears stained the frame it was in. I looked to the door where he was and saw him staring at it in my hands, eyes filled with unshed tears. As soon as I saw him in this state, I opened my arms to him which he quickly acknowledged, and walked into my embrace.
"I didn't even get a chance to know them, Tori. Dad died and mom died before I even learnt how to talk properly. I just- I can't take it."he cried in my arms. I held him like I always did when we were younger, and he said he was scared of the monsters under his bed.
"It's going to be OK Leo, I'm here."that made him cry even harder.


"That's just it Tori, I don't know if I'm gonna lose you too. I almost did, I don't know what I would've done if you didn't recover from the coma. For the one and a half weeks that you've been gone, I could barely handle myself. Malcolm didn't feed me, he barely even looked at me, I had to live off the contents from the pantry. I'm just trying to hold it together for the sake of becoming a man one day."by the time he was finished I already had my own unshed tears.
"Leo, I know you miss her, I do too, but unfortunately, we can't change the past. I wish we could, but we can't. But I can promise you this, I will avenge her."Leo only looked at me when I said the last statement, his eyes that were once filled with tears now held hope.
"Correction, we will avenge her."I laughed at that and he quickly joined.
"Are you going to be alone by yourself here today?"I asked him once our laughter ended.
"Yeah, I should be fine."
"Ok, I gotta go, I'll see you later though."
I walked out of Leo's room and closed the door behind me. When I got downstairs, I went to the cabinet where Malcolm kept the car keys, seeing which car he left today. I opened it only to find it empty, either he took both cars or he just didn't want me driving his car today. I sighed when I realized I have to walk.

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