~Chapter 15~ Leave Me Alone

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~Video by miyako47~


~Self-Harm + Suicide Attempt~

Outer's POV

Watching the meteor shower with Killer was an engaging experience, after he apologized I really felt perhaps our friendship repaired.

I wasn't really mad at him, I mean after-all he is one of the 'bad guys' and one of the known murderers in the whole multiverse, and plus I'm too lazy to be angry right now.

 I can't really teleport or run around anyways as long this wound is still here.

I feel odd for being friends with him, but trying one of my brother's tricks was maybe worth a shot at the time. Now I feel sympathy towards him...

Just misunderstood, and others enjoy the suffering of everyone's pain and being a sadist. Maybe even just to control or whatever...eh

There are some things about monsters or people that are not revealed on the outside. . .

Damn now I'm being cheesy.

Killer's POV

...After watching the meteor shower with Outer yesterday, I surprising felt something that I thought I lost a very long time ago...

I felt happiness once again, it feels good to feel relaxed and see something Incredible. 

Well watching the meteor shower wasn't the only thing that happened, after that was finished he decided to show me around...without revealing myself of course.

They'd probably think it's another attack or something, so we just snuck around on the rooftops, eventually I left the area, without a portal I cannot get out of here...and I don't know where I am but for sure as soon my feelings of being happy disappeared, the demon returned.

~Warning Starts Here~

They kept reminding me of what I did, now that this stupid emotions returned more visible... It affects much more.

...It was better without the emotions, but there's just something about it, that makes me not wanting it to go. . . I'm disgusted of myself now

Those memories... those words and screams, they keep lingering in my mind.

Just Fucking Go away!

Go away!

This is becoming unbearable!

This is the demon's fault!!?

My brother said it was ok! Why is his voice still here!?

My body and skull ache because of these!

Why!? WHY!?


From my pocket I draw out the real knife and stare at it...and not thinking properly I take off my jacket and slit across my arms.

Instantly after the first one the tingles and pain after the first slice...was sore but I wanted more of it.

I continued slit across my arm, after one by one.. I shiver as blood trickles down my arm that produced a small pile of blood on the ground.

...I wasn't as satisfied they kept getting louder.

They were echoing through my empty mind.

They whisper into my non-existing ears... reminding me of my sins.

Stop it!

When will this agony ever stop!?

I hold the knife above my hand and quickly pierce it through...immediately the red liquid starts to dribble onto the ground, making a tiny pool and I pull the Knife out and repeatedly start stabbing directly next to my soul.

Maybe this will stop the voices.

Maybe this is a sign of pleading and begging for them to shut up.

...Maybe I can get this demon out of my mind for all eternity...

...Maybe I can just end this.

I end up slowing down, I then release the knife from my hand and drop my arms on the side and I collapse onto my knees on the ground, as I feel my arms sting along with my hand and chest in severe amount of pain.

No...I can't...

I scrunch up my skull slowly and quietly sob, as I feel my tears mixed with the black liquid drip down my cheekbones.

 I start clutching my non-existing stomach, and feel my spine ache... from the blood loss I slowly close my eye-sockets and pass out.

~Finishes Here~

Nightmare's POV

After Killer had left the castle, I was discussing some major information to everyone else. After feeling his 'emotions' I knew something was going on.

 I'm afraid that allowing him to communicate with OuterTale Sans may of increased his chances of getting his emotions back.

Him and his brother having optimistic nature wasn't a good influence, now Killer seems a bit fond to it.

 This actually makes things easier... right now he'll feel so much pain and will feel sore because of those voices, that never left him.

They have just been quiet in his state of feeling nothing.

This will leave him in a desperate and vulnerable state and weak, anything left that is pure within his soul can break him once again.

Poor fragile soul.

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