Twenty-Eight - The Mess We Made

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Martina spent a few hours with Katie Friday night before driving her back to their Aunt Katherine's. Katie woke up early Saturday morning to hang out with Lindley and Sierra. After a few hours, Sierra had to go to work so Lindley and Katie headed back to Katie's aunt's house. Lindley and Katie entered the house laughing at one another.

"I see you found someone new to make you laugh."

The voice stopped Katie in her tracks as she passed the living room. She turned and squealed when she saw Ashley standing there waiting for her. Katie ran over and pulled Ashley into the tightest hug she could without suffocating her. "What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in so long. I'm sorry I don't call more. How's Mason?" Katie kept rambling, but Ashley brushed off most of Katie's questions.

Ashley poked her head to the side of Katie in order to get a better view of Lindley. "Hi, I'm Ashley." Ashley sent her a small wave. "You must be Lindley."

"I am indeed." Lindley returned Ashley's wave with a smile. "I'm assuming that you two have a lot to catch up on so I'm gonna head out. My brother wanted to spend time with me anyway." Lindley said goodbye to the girls and left them to talk amongst themselves, not wanting to intrude.

"Ash, I had no idea you were coming. I miss you so much." Katie pulled Ashley into another tight hug.

"I miss you too, but I'm actually not here because of me." Ashley pulled away from the embrace. "I kind of need a favor."

"What's wrong?"

"I need you to talk to Dana." Ashley winced at her own words, knowing that Katie would refuse. "I mean actually talk. She won't talk to anyone else, but I know she needs to talk to you." Katie shook her head. She didn't want to talk to Dana. Well, of course she wanted to speak to Dana, but not for the reasons Ashley wanted her to. Katie wanted to talk to Dana and beg her to love her again. But she knew she couldn't do that. Ashley could see the struggle in Katie's eyes. She knew Katie was fighting herself on if she could actually go see Dana. "Katie, please. Dana needs you."

"Why can't you or Eddie talk to her?"

"Dana's different." Ashley folded her arms over her chest. "She's not the same Dana she was with you. She's quiet and shut down and she's built this wall up. She's always either working or just gone."


Ashley nodded. "We don't know where she runs off to. Eddie says she always comes back, but we-"

"We have to go." Katie turned instantly and exited the house. She knew where Dana was. Ashley ran to catch up to her. "I need you to drive me somewhere."


Katie paused a moment, mumbling to herself, "Anywhere."

☼ ☼ ☼

"I had no idea you could even get up here." Ashley was in awe as she pulled up to Dana and Katie's spot on the side of the mountain.

"Most people don't. It was our little secret." Katie told Ashley to pull to the side and wait there. Ashley could see a car with someone sitting on the roof. Katie was right. "Stay here, Ash." Ashley obeyed and waited in the car.

Katie stepped out of the passenger seat and took a deep breath. She had thought about what to say for the entirety of the car ride, but seeing Dana sitting there in their spot made her forget everything she had planned in her head.

Katie walked to the back of Dana's car. She traced her finger along the sides amazed the car could be repaired so well. She remembered the pictures from Dana's accident. "I didn't even notice you were walking again." Katie finally spoke.

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