Five - Suspensions and Confessions

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Dana and Eddie had to drag themselves into school on Monday. They walked sluggishly towards the main office and sat in the uncomfortable wooden chairs with itchy fabric awaiting their punishment from the principal. "I can't believe we're already getting into trouble." Dana slouched in the uncomfortable chair, clearly unhappy about the entire situation.

Eddie rubbed his temple, leaning forward in his chair. "Dana, it's not your fault. I started it," he attempted to comfort her.

"I threw the first punch," Dana muttered. Her eyebrows furrowed, "So mutual responsibility." As the two sulked in their own petrified regret, Katie exited the principal's office. Their eyes followed her out, a million thoughts racing through both of their heads.

"Dana Thomas?" Dana's attention, in sync with Eddie's, snapped towards Mr. Bates, the principal. Eddie hung his head like a regretful dog as Dana made her way into Mr. Bates' office. Dana, on the other hand, managed to keep her composure in attempts to look as innocent as possible. The principal sat on the opposite side of the large desk from Dana and stared at her for a moment, not saying anything. He inhaled deeply while adjusting his position in his leather seat. "You know," he started, "here at Ridgeway we have a zero tolerance policy. We don't condone any fighting, harassing, or bullying of any kind. Consequences of participating in any form of these actions is considered severely punishable."

He took a pause, and Dana's guilt got the best of her as she stirred in her seat ready to speak up, "Sir, I-"

Mr. Bates raised a hand quickly to stop Dana. "However," he continued with his low voice, "we also believe in fair punishment for our actions. We like to take into consideration each student's past behavior as well as every party's account – including witnesses. After hearing what your previous school had to say about you, as well as several accounts from reliable sources, I would like for you to explain to me what happened in the parking lot after the football game Friday night." Mr. Bates made a small gesture with his hand, signaling to Dana that it was her turn to speak.

Dana took a moment to gather her thoughts and string them into a cohesive and honest recollection of what happened the night of the game. Her thoughts wandered from arriving to meeting Zach and taking photos to her pull towards Katie. She lost herself briefly - unsure of why she couldn't think straight. As she recounted the rest of that night, she began to tell her side to Mr. Bates. As Dana saw the fight, it seemed to be all one big misunderstanding. Jesse, although ignorant in his comments, didn't mean to run into Dana. Eddie, although hotheaded in his response, was only reacting to the situation that he perceived. Dana, although her efforts were useless, was only attempting to prevent the situation from escalating any further.

Dana and Mr. Bates sat in silence briefly following Dana's recollection. "Thank you, Ms. Thomas." Dana was unsure whether her principal's tone was grateful or disappointed. She lowered her head after feeling defeated. Mr. Bates stood, signaling to Dana that their meeting was over.

"Sir," Dana quickly spoke, "do you mind my asking what's going to happen now?"

"Perception is key in these moments, Ms. Thomas. And in a case like this where several parties were involved, we have to consider the weight of the stories being told to us." Mr. Bates paused, waiting for a reaction from Dana, but it seemed as though his words had frozen her in place. "Taking into consideration the weight of one key witness and her surprisingly unbiased statement of the incident, you will not be punished for this. And neither will Mr. Matthews. He will, however, have a written warning on his record with the school."

"And Jesse?"

"Mr. Kowalski will be excluded from this week's football game and forbidden to participate in practice until next week." Mr. Bates made his way to his office door and rested his hand on the door handle, "Do you have any further questions, Ms. Thomas?" Dana shook her head, and Mr. Bates swung the door open to escort her out. As Dana sped out of the office, Mr. Bates called for Eddie. Dana gave Eddie a small thumbs up in an attempt to calm his nerves before she left the main office and headed towards her locker, hoping to into Katie.

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