Twenty-One - Why Don't You Love Me?

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Eddie sluggishly made his way to the basement thinking he could play video games and get his mind away from the real world. He sighed to himself when he rounded the corner and spotted Dana and Katie on the leather couch. Katie and Dana were laughing, most likely at some lame joke Dana had made, and they were both lying down on opposite sides of the L-shaped couch with their heads almost meeting at the corner.

Dana sat up and peered over the couch when she heard Eddie. "Hey Ed, we were looking for a movie to watch. Do you want to join us?"

Eddie shook his head slightly before speaking. "D, no offense but, can't you two actually go out on a date instead of hiding out in the basement like you have been for the last two weeks?" Dana's face saddened. Not because of what Eddie said, but because she felt bad for her cousin. Eddie wanted to give the world to Grace, but Grace wanted someone else's world.

"We're not dating, Ed." Dana absentmindedly corrected Eddie.

"Wait," Katie, who was also now sitting up, sent Dana a confused look. "We're not?"

Dana turned to Katie. "I mean we haven't actually gone on a date yet. Plus, when did we ever talk about this?"

Katie shrugged slightly, "Well I mean we haven't but-"

"Guys!" Eddie whiningly interrupted. "Can you go bicker like an old married couple somewhere else please? Or, like I said before, do yourselves - and me - a favor and actually go out on a date." Eddie's eyes made him look like a lost puppy. His eyes had been like that for the past two weeks now. He hadn't smiled his signature goofy smile, or even made a dumb remark to Dana since the night Grace rejected him. All Eddie had done the past two weeks was sleep, go to school, eat, and avoid as much human interaction as possible. This had been the most he had spoken to Dana all week.

Dana pulled out her phone and looked at the time. It was only ten in the morning. She slid her phone back into her jeans and looked back at Eddie. "Okay Ed, I'll give you a present since it's Saturday." Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly, confused. "The basement to yourself." Dana stood up from the couch and glanced at Katie. "You coming?" She asked.

Katie nodded without saying a word and followed Dana up the stairs. Katie stopped and looked at Eddie. "If it's any consolation, Grace is an idiot. She's an idiot for not seeing how amazing you are and letting herself love you." Once in the kitchen, Katie spoke up. "He doesn't know. Does he?" Katie's own face had a look of depression, or in this case sympathy.

Dana shook her head and released a heavy sigh. "Please. If he knew, I don't think he would even get out of bed."

Eddie walked into the kitchen and blankly stared at the two girls in front of him. "I forgot my phone." He announced, pointing to the phone resting on the counter. Eddie grabbed the phone in between them and hesitated before asking, "What happened?" Neither girl spoke up. "What don't I know?" Eddie asked again.

There was a brief silence before Katie spoke. "It's Grace and Jesse."

"They're dating?" Eddie asked without skipping a beat.

"No." Dana quickly answered. "But they are talking again. And Ashley and Mason saw them together last night. I don't think they're dating but-"

"They're hooking up?" Eddie interrupted. "Cool. Good for them." Eddie couldn't help but sound bitter.

Dana took a step forward. "Eddie-"

"Don't." Eddie stopped her. "Dana, nothing you can say can make me feel any better right now." Eddie snapped at her. "You always get the girl. And even if you end up heartbroken at least you get all those good memories of when you two were happy together. I don't. I don't get the girl. I don't get the memories. All I get is the broken heart."

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