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It seemed to take Hunter much longer to find where Jackson was, especially considering he could smell from a mile away and could use the pack link to ask Jackson where he was, Isabella knew Hunter was refusing to mind link him but she was determined to see him and make Hunter apologise, if he wanted to do it the hard when then she was happy and willing to go along with it.

"I think maybe you should just go back to bed" Hunter says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, Isabella knew he was only doing this so he could avoid the inevitable.

"Hunter, the quicker you get this over and done with the quicker I can go and rest back in bed" Isabella shrugs with an innocent looking smile plastered on her face 

"I hate you" Hunter mutters with a hint of a smile on his face 

"No you don't... you loooove me" Isabella winks before Hunter scoops her up in his arms and spins them around while she squeals excitedly 

"You're right, I LOVE YOU" Hunter yells, pretty sure that everyone in the house heard he finally plants his lips on Isabella's

"And I love you Hunter" Isabella smiles resting her cheek against his chest feeling his light, fluttering heart against her cheek "But we're still going to find Jackson"

Despite letting out an annoyed groan, Hunter continued walking around the pack house knowing he wasn't going to win this one, he was going to have to say sorry to Jackson.


"JACKSON!" Isabella yelled noticing the back of his head in a crowd of around 15 people, he turned round and his eyes lit up immediately, mostly because one of his now good friends was okay but also because it meant he wouldn't have to be killed by his best friend

Starting at a run, Isabella quickly feels strong arms around her stomach as Hunter holds her back

"Hey you crazy woman, you've just woken up from being unconscious, chill out" Hunter smiles softly eyeing her up and down to make sure she is okay

"Sorry" Isabella says giggling softly as she now slowly makes her way towards a grinning Jackson

It's now Jackson's turn to scoop Isabella up into a hug while planting a kiss on her forehead just like a big brother, it didn't feel quite as nice as when she hugged Hunter, they were made for each other but yet Isabella could feel the warmth fill her body as she hugged him close, the last time she had saw him just like he had with her, he had been unconscious after rounds of torture, she was just thankful that he was alive, they had made it out the other side, other people were not so lucky.

When Jackson finally lets Isabella go, she turns round to notice Hunter looking annoyed and yet sheepish at the same time, she knew he was annoyed because Jackson had hugged her so affectionately and kissed her but at the same time he already knew he was in Isabella's bad books for how he had treated Jackson so he daren't say anything about it, especially since Isabella sent him a glare before raising her eyebrows as if to say 'What are you waiting for?'

"Look, Jackson.. I'm so..." Hunter started by the words got caught in his throat as if a lump was stopping them, the slight pool of tears that only Isabella and Jackson could notice showed them how sorry he really felt 

"You don't have to say anything" Jackson says with a comforting smile, sending a light punch to Hunter's arm sniffing up his own threatening tears 

"No I do... what I said to you... It wasn't right, you've been by my side throughout everything and I know you would never put Isabella in danger, I was just scared I was going to lose her... I guess I'm just trying to say.... I'm sorry" Hunter says finally with a  shaky breath 

Isabella steps to the side just in time to get out of the way of two grown werewolves hugging awkwardly, they loved each other and they each knew that but they were still too awkward to actually show each other physically how much they loved it each, with a few back pats, the moment was over and everything was forgiven.

Something that Isabella had started to notice was that people were making more of an effort to speak to her now, they were never cruel before but they often didn't try to talk to her or get to know here, they were just scared that she was the King's mate but now the story of what had happened was buzzing all over the kingdom, nobody was sure how it had managed to become public knowledge as Isabella had only told the people necessary, Hunter wouldn't tell anyone and neither would Jackson but somehow people had the general story even though there had been some strange, twisted stories such as Isabella had managed to fight off 20 grown men on her own.

One thing that was of the upmost secrecy was the fact that Isabella was not affected by silver like other werewolves, it was completely unheard of and Hunter thought it best not to make this public knowledge until they understood it more but other than that everyone had heard how brave Isabella had been and Hunter was certainly not stopping these talks as he was proud of her.

Leila was still in a bad way after the abuse she had suffered at the hands of Finn, not only was it made worse from the fact that he was her mate (so the abuse was worse as he should always love her but he felt like a part of her soul had been ripped away when he died) she also had a weaker mind that Isabella, nobody could explain why as Isabella seemed to have no hope at times but she liked to tell herself that she knew Hunter was coming for her, she knew he was looking for her and that is what kept her going even when she didn't believe anybody could ever love her, Hunter had saved her without even knowing he had and she would be sure to tell him everyday that she loved him for that.

Isabella was sure that now she could have her happy every after with her mate, a baby on the way and all the friends she needed. Finn could never hurt her again, he was again, everything should be good in the world... 

shouldn't it?



It's been one hell of a rollercoaster of emotions writing this book, I can confirm there will be a second book, starting shortly - I'll set up another chapter on this book to tell you all about it, until then... PEACE OUT

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