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Isabella had fallen asleep soon after the Doctor had taken some blood for testing simply from exhaustion. Hunter continued to hold her only now truly seeing how ill she was, Hunter would always find Isabella beautiful so he was hard to differentiate how she looked then to how she had looked when they first met because she was just as beautiful now than she was then to him but this scare had made him look closer.

 Isabella's eyes looked dark and sunken in, her cheekbones jaunt and sharp, her lips looked almost too bit for her now tiny face, ribs sticking out at a point and her small frame looked even smaller which Hunter didn't even think was possible. Holding Isabella tight to his chest, Hunter felt his eyes fill with tears, he didn't let anyone see as he ducked his head down into the crook of Isabella's neck.

It seemed like forever until the doctor had come back into the room with any sorts of results and by then, Isabella had woken up but had barely moved an inch, her favourite place to be was in Hunter's arms and even though he could see the internal battle with herself he decided that it wasn't the time nor place to bring it up to ask what was wrong, he knew it would end in some sort of battle and Isabella didn't need that right now.

The doctor sat down on the chair at the side of the bed that Hunter and Isabella was sat on, he looked her up and down and shook his head, whatever he was going to say all three of them knew it would be completely life changing.

"Isabella, you're four weeks pregnant" the doctor blurted out not holding back, Hunter wanted to be excited but he knew that she wasn't nearly healthy enough to carry a baby to full term - he barely knew anything about pregnancy but he knew this much.

Despite knowing this herself, Isabella's eyes filled with excitement as one of her hands flew to her not existent bump. This could be the thing that gave Isabella a reason to fight to be healthy and that was exactly what the Doctor was hoping would happen.

"We all know that you're not healthy enough to do this, you won't make it till 30 weeks with this small of a frame and no nutrition - you'd be lucky if you didn't loose the baby before then because if you're not getting enough nutrition then there is no way that the baby is going too" The doctor explains wanting to fear factor of the whole situation to make her admit what she was doing, he had a very good idea but didn't want to outright ask her. The doctor had privately spoken with Hunter about Isabella's eating habits and he had assured him that Isabella was in fact eating at least 3 meals a day but continued to loose weight, how his Alpha hadn't guessed was going on was beyond on the Doctor but he didn't say anything to his Alpha.

Isabella bursts into tears making Hunter hug her little bit closer but he was almost too scared to hug her in case he broke her, that's how fragile she felt underneath him.

"I'm sorry to say this Isabella but I'm going to have to admit you as an in-patient at the hospital wing until I feel you're healthy enough to return back to the pack house" the Doctor says with a sombre look on his face, this news makes Isabella cry even harder.

"I... I do-don't want too" Isabella sobs hanging onto Hunter's arms, despite everything they had been through, Isabella felt like she was attached to Hunter now and the thought of not sleeping in the same bed as him at night, not being able to just feel normal - whatever that was - broke her heart

"We have to get you and the baby healthy" Hunter says completely agreeing with the doctor, he wished he didn't and decided to carry her out of that room but he knew, she was too far now and he couldn't help her anymore, she needed professional help.

"I'm going to go and get you some clothes okay?" Hunter says standing up trying to place Isabella's shaking body onto the body but she clings onto him with dear life, she had never wanted human contact with someone more than she did in that moment and he was leaving her

"I'll come back Bella" he whispers, he wanted to break down, he wanted to lash out but he knew that wasn't what was best for Isabella so he held it together, he walked out of the room leaving Isabella barely able to breath from tears - the only thing that kept him walking instead of running back was not looking back her small body and telling himself it was for the best even though each step followed with louder sobs, it felt like it wasn't the best thing for her.


When Hunter had returned, Isabella was curled up on the hospital bed asleep so he went to speak to the doctor before going back in to see her.

"So what happens now?" Hunter asks rubbing the back of his neck

"We're going to have her talking with a therapist regularly, she is going to eat 3 meals a day of whatever it is she wants as long as it is healthy and she will be monitored for an hour after every meal.." the doctor explains but Hunter interrupts him

"Why would she need monitoring?" he asks completely oblivious to any idea of how this could all happen, even though Hunter was fair he was known to have a short temper and the Doctor almost didn't want to tell him what they were pretty sure was happening in case he didn't take the news well or believe it, it could think it means that they were saying he was a bad mate for not noticing sooner.

Hunter still thought it could be because of her being pregnant even though she was only 4 weeks and she had been quickly loosing weight for much longer than that.

"We think... We think she is being sick after she is eating so she isn't getting any nutrition so we need to make sure of this, she won't openly force herself to be sick in front of someone - it takes a couple of hours to get nutrition from all the food but she should be able to get at least some of them, we will be keeping an eye on her all day but its only for the one hour that we're watching her intensely" the Doctor says with a nervous smile

"And how long is she going to be in here?" he asks wanting her back in their bed together so he can look after her.

"There is no easy way to estimate that, it all depends on the Luna, if she wants to get out here then she needs to eat all of her food and keep it down so she gets back to a healthy weight but if she continues to loose weight then a more intense treatment will be needed and she will be in for longer" he says

"Intense treatment?" Hunter says with wide eyes, a shiver running down his spine

"We'll get to that point if we need too, don't worry yourself" the doctor says even though he is almost certain it was going to get to that point


Later that day, Hunter needed to go and do some work as there had been progress in the Leila and Finn case. At first he was determined that he wasn't going so he could stay with Isabella but she made him okay even though she wouldn't loved to have him stay with her.

Isabella's first meal in the hospital was less than half of what Hunter would usually give to her and it was really surprising but she didn't question it as she started to eat the simple dish in front of her. A friendly nurse was sat with Isabella watching her eat and like clockwork around 10 minutes after eating she found herself being sick into a bowl that the nurse had provided with her

"How did you do that?" she asks eyeing Isabella up

"What do you mean?" she asked wiping her mouth flopping back down onto the bed

"Well it's not like you stuck your fingers down your throat so how did you make yourself sick?" she asks sounding extremely judgemental, this was very rare to happen to werewolves so it was hard to cover up exactly what they were thinking.

"I don't make myself.. it just happens" she shrugs shrinking down in the bed

Isabella was more determined than ever to eat properly for the baby if not for herself so she couldn't understand why it was happening, she was sure something must be happening to her but nothing came up on her blood tests and she had no proof so she would just have to put up with it until she found out what was really happening.

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