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Isabella didn't think she could get ready as quick as she did after walking out of the shower, the bubble of happiness that they both had been in had been burst when Hunter had seen the scars on Isabella's torso and back from her old pack mainly Finn but she was scared to tell Hunter who is was because it would cause so much trouble that she just wanted to forget. All the trauma had been something Isabella dealt with when it happened and although she would never completely forget it she pushed it to the back of her mind never to be brought up again but if Hunter knew who did it, it would be brought up again.

By the time Hunter had managed to stand up, take a breath to calm himself down, put some sweat pants and a tshirt and walk into his bedroom, Isabella had thrown on one of Hunter's tops with a towel over her lap as she sits patiently on the bed, her eyes to the floor in embarrassment. Hunter walks over to Isabella and kneels down again with his hands firmly pressed to her knees, not to hurt her but to keep her there so he can properly speak to her.

"Look at me" Hunter begs and when Isabella silently refuses he reaches out and gently lifts up her chin so she is looking straight into his eyes, despite wanting to look away Isabella knows she will not achieve anything by doing that.

"What did they do to you?" he asks scooping Isabella's small hands into his big ones before bringing them up to his mouth to kiss gently.

"It's in the past, please forget it" Isabella whispers a stray tear slipping out her eye

"If it was in the past and forgotten about you wouldn't be crying"  he says almost feeling smug but knowing it wasn't the right time for that.

"I didn't have many friends in my old pack, can we just leave it at that" Isabella sighs finally looking away from Hunter who has to close his eyes to calm himself down and get rid of the bright red rings in his eyes to show anger as he didn't want Isabella to think that he was angry at her.

Hunter reaches out with a small smile on his face which instantly calms him down when he sees his mate in his t-shirt, he lightly grips the hem of the t-shirt and starts to pull it up but Isabella's eyes instantly widen and she jumps further onto the bed out of his reach. The reaction he had has been the worst thing of the whole experience, even the pain they had happened didn't feel as bad as she did at that moment.

"What have they done to you?" Hunter whispers, his words hoarse due to the lump in his throat. This was the closest Hunter had come to crying since he was a child, crying was seen as a weakness but he couldn't hold it back when it concerned his mate, plus it was better for her to see him cry that break something out of anger because that would only scare her.

Isabella brings her knees to her chest and stares forward blankly but soon enough there is something in her line of vision, a hand. Hunter's hand, he is sat on the edge of the bed not getting too close because he doesn't want to scare her but he is holding out his hand for her to take. A panic forms itself in Isabella's stomach and for a couple of minutes she curls up tighter, her eyes flicking from Hunter's face and his hand.

When it comes back to her that Hunter her mate and he wouldn't hurt her, Isabella slowly slides her legs down and scoots down the bed until she can reach out and put her tiny hand into Hunter's large one. Hunter gently pulls her hand towards him, at first, there is a look of shock and fear that fills Isabella's eyes but once she is pressed Hunter's chest she looks comfortable and at home like she belongs there. A small smile finds its way on both of their faces, Isabella because she realises this is the man she has been waiting for, for so long and Hunter because Isabella is finally relaxing as she closes her eyes and smells his scent which is comforting to her.

Hunter rocks them back and forth almost like Isabella is a child and her small frame and lack of weight almost felt like a child. What felt like no time at all she had fallen asleep but before Hunter put her into the bed he noticed a wet patch on his t-shirt where she had been crying but he wasn't sure if she had done it before she went to sleep or after but the anger that he had pushed down for Isabella's sake came back up.

The last gentle thing that Hunter did for the night was place Isabella in the bed before placing a quick kiss on her forhead before walking to door. Hunter switches the light off and stands there for a couple of minutes just watching Isabella sleep, she looked peaceful like she didn't have a care in the world but as soon as Hunter remembered the reality of the burden she had been carrying about and what someone had done he slowly closed the door and walked downstairs calling his 3 most trusted pack members to his office for a meeting.


"I've called you here because I want to send an invite to Alpha Jax and his brothers to come here to... talk" Hunter says with a sadistic smile that made everyone but Jackson shrink back nervously. They knew he meant business and seen as his mate had just come from that pack it wasn't going to be anything good.

"And when they get here?" Hunter best warrior and  friend asks

"We treat them like guests of honour of course" Hunter replies his smile growing 

"What is they don't want to come... they refuse?" the last man,  Hunter's advisor (Who he never listened too) and fellow friend asked

"Give them an offer they can't refuse and if that doesn't work then you threaten them with death" Hunter shrugs like it's nothing

"Go... Jackson stay here" Hunter adds shooing the other two men with his hand, his beta and best friend slumping down in a chair across from the desk

"So what's really going to happen when they get here and what has actually happened?" Jackson says knowing his best friend too well 

"I'm not totally sure what's happened yet but I will find out and I don't think its going to end happily" Hunter replies shaking his head not wanting to explain further which Jackson understands so just simply nods.

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