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Word Count: 950, completed 

Although Isabella wouldn't tell Hunter this, she had to admit that she had just had one of the best night's sleep of her life, she woke up feeling more refreshed than she had in years – there was a feeling of calmness in the air and it actually took Isabella a couple of seconds to remember what had happened in the day previous. With a content sigh, Isabella peeled Hunter's arm from around her waist and silently slipped out of bed, she walked into the kitchen to notice a scorned looking Tobias sat on the kitchen counter... was he glaring?

"Sorry Tobias, I know you couldn't sleep in my bed last night with him in it but it looks like we have no choice but to get used to it" Isabella shrugs trying hard to fight the smile off of her face at the thought of waking up next to Hunter every morning. Isabella reached over and scratched Tobias behind the ears as an apology, making him purr happily making Isabella quickly forgiven.

Isabella made herself a cup of tea and settled down in the middle of the living room floor, she had always been under the impression that she didn't have many possessions but it was only when you had to pack up your whole life did you realise how much you had. Just as she was finishing packing up the items in the kitchen, Hunter seemed to materialise at her bedroom door in just boxers with sleep filled eyes and messy hair that looked simply adorable, Isabella couldn't help the blush that made her skin hot.

"You should've woken me up, I would've helped" he smiles rubbing his eyes tiredly before yawning dramatically, he walked over and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm done now" Isabella shrugs with a small smile tugging at her own lips "I am going to sort my bedroom now you're awake though"

A shiver ran through Isabella's body as she took a second to soak in the situation she was finding herself in. Isabella was incredibly nervous around Hunter, he was incredibly powerful and recently people in power hadn't exactly been kind to her so even though Hunter had been nothing but polite and gentleman towards her she knew how quickly this could change so couldn't help but feel apprehensive.

"I will help, have you eaten?" Hunter asks grabbing a hold of her hand and pulling her back towards him with a cheeky grin on his face, she was now facing him, once again her face betraying her as it blushed furiously.

"I'm usually at the pack house by now, I don't eat breakfast" Isabella replied trying to somehow forget that she was in Hunter's arms with one hand pressed to his large chest to stop herself from falling. Shrugging herself out of his grasp, Isabella turned on her heel with a hidden smile and walked into her bedroom but she could hear heavy feet behind her so she knew Hunter was following.

"I don't understand" Hunter starts, leaning against the frame of the door as Isabella made a start on sorting the room "You live so far away from the pack house but you have to be there so early... you have the leave at the crack of dawn and are not back until late at night and you miss the most important meal of the day.... Is there something you're not telling me Isabella Montgomery?"

"You think I'm keeping a secret from you because I don't eat breakfast" Isabella says scoffing slightly but it was not convincing at all to Hunter especially since she couldn't even look him in the eye

"I don't know what it is but...." He starts again

"Please Hunter, can we drop it?" Isabella sighs turning her back on Hunter so he couldn't see her red cheeks.


It wasn't until the bedroom was almost all packed that Isabella allowed herself to look at Hunter again, seeing his perfect face was enough to dampen her mood further, if he knew everything about her she believed he wouldn't be interested in her like everyone else.

"I made use breakfast" Hunter says quietly; he holds out his hand for Isabella to take so he could pull her up

"I told you... I don't eat breakfast" Isabella sighs looking from Hunter's face to his outstretched hand, Finn had played this joke many times where he would start to help her to her feet before letting go of her hand sending her crashing back down to earth

Hunter isn't Finn, Isabella had to remind herself

"We need to build your strength up my very skinny but beautiful mate" Hunter says quickly to confirm what he meant, the last thing he wanted to do was offend Isabella. Without another thought, Isabella put her small hand into Hunter's and allowed him to pull her up, clearly misjudging his strength, Hunter pulls her up and send her flying into his chest but luckily he manages to catch her.

"Point proven" he chuckles looking down at the perfect girl in his arms, Hunter can't help but lean down looking from Isabella's eyes to her full lips, he feels her tense up in his arm making him inch away but when she doesn't protest he leans back down again and presses his lips hungrily to hers but soon enough he pulls away despite the protests of his wolf, he knew that he had to take it slow with Isabella, she was too important so no matter how he felt or what he wanted to do he knew he couldn't.

"C'mon, food time" Hunter says slightly breathless as his lips continue to tingle.  

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