Chapter Twelve - The secret's out!

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Chapter twelve.

'We should go for a run after school to keep fit for volleyball,' Hailey suggested as the two girls arrived at school the next day.

Blair eyed her best friend with suspicion, 'What? No, geez are you crazy Hails? It's bad enough I'm on the volleyball team I'm not going to start running with you to keep fit.' She almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity.

Hailey smiled good-naturedly, 'It was worth a try, I'll bet Brady will come with me.'

'Why don't you ask your boyfriend?' Blair teased. 'He'd do it.'

'Ew, I can't imagine doing heavy exercise with Jacob and letting him see me all sweaty...Well apart from sex of course...'

Blair giggled and opened her mouth to chip in with a similar experience she felt after the last time her and Cade had slept together but managed to stop herself quickly. She couldn't tell Hailey she had a similar experience because then Hailey would want to know who with, and might even be mad Blair hasn't told her she's been having sex.

Blair frowned and clamped her mouth shut. She was a little bummed she couldn't talk to anyone about her situation going on with Cade. Half the fun of boys were talking about them.

'Hey people!' Brady greeted the two girls in an extremely upbeat manner for a Monday morning. 'Did you hear the gossip about your cousin Hails? And who he's banging?'

Blair couldn't stop the loud gasping noise that escaped her mouth in horror, did everyone know?

Both Hailey and Brady turned to Blair in confusion, 'Are you alright?' Brady chuckled. 'I didn't think the news would make you care this much.'

'Yeah...I,' Blair thought quickly. 'I mean who is it?'

'Lacy!' Brady exclaimed, his face twisting in disgust. 'I liked Cade, I thought he had class and now he's mucking around with her. Gross.'

Blair tried to keep her face neutral. She's not going to lie – that news hurt. The normal school noises heard every morning started blending together around her and she zoned out of Brady and Hailey's conversation. Cade was also sleeping with Lacy? She felt sick. Her stomach literally heaved and for one moment she felt like her breakfast might revisit her. He was such a pig, a disgusting player!

Blair was also so confused, she'd thought they had a thing going on. An unspoken agreement to fool around. Well she didn't exactly agree to it when Cade hinted, but she figured he'd be able to realize when she slept with him again and again she was obviously interested in exploring the arrangement.

'Blair? You're doing that thing again when you zone out,' Hailey waved her hand in front of her face erratically.

'Sorry,' Blair snapped back to her two friends.

Brady shot her a small smile, 'It's alright, I'll see you later B.'

Blair and Hailey linked arms as they approached their first class for the day. Unfortunately it happened to be one in which both Cade and Lacy attended. When Blair first walked into the classroom and saw Lacy perched delicately on top of Cade's desk practically feeling him up in front of everyone, she felt sick again.

'Gross, they should get a room,' Hailey wrinkled her nose. 'You know I thought he was starting to warm up a bit, maybe we could have all even be friends. But if Lacy is the sort of girl he's interested in, then there is no way in hell.

Hailey was firmly on Team Blair when it came to Lacy. She was an absolute bitch as far as Hailey was concerned.

Blair was desperately trying to keep her face expressionless, and was doing a good job of it until Cade caught her eye. He didn't smile or frown, he kind of stared at her for a while trying to read her.

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