Chapter Twenty Nine: Accidental Revelations

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 Chapter twenty nine.

Blair's face softened as she stared up at him. She couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth. She had to blink a few times to make sure she wasn't dreaming and that Cade was standing in front of her confessing his feelings.

'Do not look at me like that,' he warned her shaking his head at her.

'Like what?' Blair asked him confused.

'Like you feel sorry for me,' he replied rolling his eyes. 'Forget what I just said, I mean it.'

'I can't just forget what you said Cade,' Blair replied watching with interest as his cheeks tinged pink in embarrassment.

'No seriously, you can.'

'No I can't.'

'I'm not going to argue with you over this,' he rolled his eyes. ' You sound like a two year old.'

'Well I can't forget what you said,' she rolled her eyes at him. 'This is stupid fighting, we need to figure out what to do from here.'

His words were ringing in her ears as she fought to stay in control of the conversation. Liked her? She wondered did he mean that in a past tense kind of way... She remembered the day he said it, she'd felt excited and stupid for thinking he and Lacy were an item. Then Lacy had gotten into her head once again, doing what Lacy did best.

Cade closed his eyes briefly in frustration. 'Okay, so we need a cover story if this is going to work.'

'When we went to the movies with your friends, was that a date?'

Cade raised an eyebrow in surprise, 'That's completely off topic but I thought you were pretty positive it was last night in bed...?'

Blair felt her cheeks hot up under his suggestive words, 'But I want to hear it from you. And that present? To help me concentrate... You've been ridiculously nice to me the last few weeks.'

'I didn't hear a question there,' Cade shrugged.

'Do you still like me?'

There. She'd said it quickly like ripping off a band aid.

'That doesn't matter anymore, we need to get our stories straight for your parents.'

Blair nodded slowly feeling like he'd just punched her in the stomach.


'Are you sure this is a good idea?'

Cade glanced over at the passenger seat where Blair had become increasingly fidgety over the twenty minutes they'd been driving. 'This is the fourth time you've asked me that and we're not even half way there yet... Chill out.'

'It's just, you don't know what my parents are like,' Blair frowned out the window. 'I haven't spoken to them properly in so long, I don't even know if they know you're living with Hailey's family.'

'I'm sure they'd know, Jane is pretty on top of things.'

Blair nodded, 'You're right.'

'What about Noah huh?' Cade shrugged. 'Didn't you date him for a while? Did they meet him?'

Blair shook her head fervently, 'No way, my Dad would have killed him!'

They stopped at some traffic lights and Cade looked over at her uneasily, 'What do you mean by that?'

'I was fourteen when we started dating, my parents didn't want me to have a boyfriend until I was older. It's not like they were around to enforce the rule though, it was so easy sneaking around them.'

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