Chapter Seven: Dirty Little Secret

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Chapter Seven

'You're kidding right?'

'No way, it'll be fun. Plus you were just saying you wanted to get fitter.'

'Yeah...But... That's gross, there's no way I'm doing that!'

'It's gross? How old are you Blair?'

Blair frowned deeply at her best friend, the suggestion they join the volleyball team was preposterous. Hailey and Blair were arty, cool, unavailable, studious (or nerdy) – they were not jocks.

'I'm extremely uncoordinated,' Blair finally admitted. Surely Hailey couldn't be serious.

Hailey relaxed against Blair's locker at school, folding her arms across her chest. 'That's a lie Blair Anstey if I ever heard one. I know for a fact, you played volleyball all throughout primary school, and your Dad thought you were pretty damn good.' That was precisely the reason Hailey had chosen volleyball over all the other sports offered at their school. Well that and it was notoriously unpopular therefore might be easier to get into the team.

The girls had decided they'd get more involved in their final year at school, have something to write on the resume, and more importantly do something more exciting then joining a homework club.

'But sport? Hails, you know I hate getting sweaty, what about the social committee? Or the newspaper? I'll join those with you?' She asked hopefully.

Hailey beamed at her friend, 'Sure thing B, we did say we wanted to be more involved. We'll do them all!'

Blair frowned, that wasn't quite the result she was aiming for.

'What's this I hear about you two joining the volleyball team?' Brady joined their group causing Blair to groan. This meant Hailey had already signed them up for trials.

'We're trying out,' Hailey corrected him with a grin. 'I'll probably fail miserably but Blair here has a bit of raw talent.'

'A sporting star?' Brady asked sounding impressed. 'Blair I've said it before and I'll say it again, you would be the only reason I'd go straight.'

They laughed loudly at the thought of Brady dating girls and Blair rolled her eyes at him. It always kind of confused her why Brady loved hanging out with them so much. He was the most popular guy in school, he was loved by everyone and had people begging him to sit with them at lunch most days. So why did he seek out the nerdy Blair in their first year of high school and insist she hang out with him. He'd accepted Hailey right away and the three of them were inseparable. Even when Brady's ridiculous talent for sport was discovered and he became the most talked about guy in their school, he still made time for his two girls.

Hailey believed they grounded him. His parents, teachers, peers always put him on a pedestal and she felt they brought him down to earth with their gentle teasing and study-orientated weekends.

Blair kind of agreed with her. Sometimes she'd see Brady looking a bit lost in the crowd of people surrounding him, she'd always make sure to push her way to him and whisper something funny into his ear to see that smile.

'Anyway, if you girls are doing it, then so am I! I thought basketball, soccer, football and swimming were enough for one person. But I might take volleyball on for fun.' Brady said as they began walking to class.

'Well if you're trying out, there's no point in us even turning up,' Blair argued hopefully. 'The team will be full of actually good players.'

Brady burst out laughing and slid his arm around Blair's shoulders, 'Don't be silly B. I don't try out for sporting teams...I practically run them.'

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