Chapter Eleven: A short fuse

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Chapter eleven

'You're not going to flip out again, are you?' Cade asked as they lay side by side under his covers.

Blair had her eyes wide open, staring up at the ceiling. She didn't really have an excuse to freak out this time. She knew exactly what she was doing.

Not that the others times weren't consensual, but this time it felt like she had made the decision to have sex with Cade with a clear mind.

'You're freaking out aren't you,' he said dryly with a roll of his eyes.

'Nope,' Blair replied in a small voice turning her head slightly to look at Cade who was lying with his head very close to hers on his pillow. 'Just thinking I may have breached some tutor-student rules by sleeping with you.'

Cade laughed loudly and Blair omitted a small smile.

'You want to know what I think is odd?' Cade asked her settling back against his pillow with his arms rested casually behind his head. The sudden movement caused the blanket to slide down his chest falling to just under his belly button and Blair's eyes darted back and forth from his toned chest to his eyes

'That Jane gets called by your teachers when you do something worthy. Why don't they call your parents?'

Blair shrugged awkwardly, 'I guess they got tired of leaving voicemails on my parents phones. One day I remember a teacher asking me if everything ok at home, because apparently no one had heard anything back from my parents in weeks. Eventually I got tired of people asking so I gave them Jane's mobile.' Blair smiled faintly, 'She didn't mind, its not like I ever got into trouble in school. It was always good news.'

Cade raised an eyebrow, 'Bit of a goody two shoes are we? I would have definitely guessed that.'

'Yes, and I'm proud of it,' Blair replied haughtily. 'You're not getting into a good university with a record full of detentions and truancy's.'

Cade was tempted to call her out on still using the word 'truancy', but somehow he thought the joke might be lost on her. Instead he settled with climbing out of bed and walking across the bedroom to get his textbooks. He collected them and  headed back to the bed where a clearly embarrassed Blair was trying to look everywhere but his naked form strutting across the room without a care in the world.

'You can't possibly be embarrassed,' he chuckled as he clambered back into bed. 'You were loving it ten minutes ago.'

 'Oh shut up,' Blair retorted quickly pulling the covers up over her breasts tucking them in firmly to prevent any slips. 'So you want to continue the tutoring in bed? Like this?' She asked a bit hesitantly.

'Why not?' Cade shot her an easy smile leaning back against the headboard of the bed not bothering to place the covers back over himself. He had no shame. And why should he?

'Alright then,' Blair sat up opening the book back to the page they were on before the sexual tension got the better of them. They worked fairly silently for the next twenty minutes, Blair noted Cade seemed a little more switched on and relaxed. He was well able to tackle the problems and took everything she said positively. She could honestly say she was surprised, she didn't expect tutoring the usually moody and rude boy would be so easy.

'You seem surprised,' he commented as she checked his last problem and realized it was correct.

'I kind of am.'

'I'm not stupid, I told you we were only a bit behind at home!'

Blair hid a smile, he was getting a little annoyed with her she could tell. 'Whatever you say Cade...' She trailed off knowing exactly how he'd react.

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