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       February is exhausting with the preparations for their new comeback, their third album in the Flight Log trilogy, a very important closure for a project that's helped them as a band to find their identity and that sound that makes them comfortable.

Jackson is so focused on doing his best for this comeback, showing everyone GOT7 are a good group and they'll keep climbing, becoming better versions of themselves. He works extra harder to nail the choreography of the different songs they'll perform at the showcase, and master his rap so he'll never get wrong. He does his best to hype the fans when March comes and their comeback date approaches. He's so excited he doesn't listen when others tell him to slow down a bit, not even Mark. He wants GOT7 to do even better for this promotion period, to beat all their records.

As a group they are obviously under pressure, but Jackson is adding more to it, going over the limit in his attempt to give their fans the best. All of their Ahgases are precious to him and he wants to give them so much to thank them for allowing them to do what they love most. Jackson knows without fans there would be no GOT7, and he's working extra hard in order not to disappoint them.

The idol is warned many times he'll drive himself to the hospital if he continues like that, but Jackson deems them as worrywarts, he is fine, he's just really excited and working hard. But maybe, he should've listened to them.

It's just a few days before their comeback when they are having a fan meeting. Jackson woke up that day more tired than usual, although he assumed it was because he slept three hours only. During the event he feels his head stuffy and his body made of lead, and he assumes it's because he skipped breakfast. When he starts feeling queasy he assumes it's because the lunchbox had gone bad and something must've upset his stomach, but as it's getting harder and harder to focus on anything, Jackson considers there might be something wrong with him.

He feels dizzy, his head is spinning and he feels cold to the bone. He stands up and everything goes black, he cannot see anything and it feels like his body is falling in every direction at the same time. The screams and hullabaloo around him are just a soft buzz in his ears as his vision returns, blurry and moving, and he ends up on his knees.

Jackson feels hands grabbing him from his shoulders, probably screaming his name but he cannot hear anything, he's just blinking, trying to see what's in front of him. He isn't given time to actually succeed when he's being dragged somewhere else, making things worse because it's like everything inside Jackson is spinning and he feels like all his organs want to escape his body.

Jackson is throwing up before he even realises he's doing that, his body trembling but it feels foreign, like he's not really in his body and that's such a terrifying thing.

He lifts his head when he stops, searching everywhere, desperate to get anything into focus and find Mark, but he cannot distinguish anything and the nausea comes back, stronger, making him convulse and just completely lose it.

Jackson doesn't remember what happens after that, until he wakes up later, much later, in a hospital bed. He's relieved he can actually see when he opens his eyes, taking notice of his surroundings. It's a single room, but he's not alone. Joon hyung, his manager, is at the corner, head low and hands on his back as J.Y. Park evidently scolds him.

"How could you allow him to drive himself to that point?! How did you not know he was doing so badly? You're supposed to take care of him!" The older man exclaims in hushed voice, clearly trying to keep it quiet so Jackson doesn't wake up.

"I'm so sorry," Joon hyung mumbles, bowing in ninety degrees, making Jackson feel even worse because it's not Joon's fault. It's Jackson's fault, utterly his fault.

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