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Jackson is on the floor, legs crossed and overdramatic pout on his lips while Mark pushes the last suitcase. It's not even Mark's suitcase, it's Jackson, so the younger feels like he's being kicked out and his boyfriend is the one doing that, so yes, he's sulking. In his childish tantrum, he's barely moved things, and when he's done it, he's complained the whole time. Jaebum went back to his room, fed up with his attitude, leaving all the moving to the new couple. Youngjae took Coco for a walk because he had taken all his belongings from the room already and was just waiting for Jackson to be done to put them inside the new room, which was taking longer than expected.

"Gaga, you're acting as if you were moving back to Hong Kong, not to another room in the same flat," Mark comments, going to sit in front of Jackson, crouching down to be at the same level. "Do you have to be like this?"

"I don't want to change rooms. We've spent so many years here," Jackson explains. "Everything moves so fast, we are always running. This room is the most stable thing I've had since I began this journey."

"Remember when all you wanted was to move rooms before?" Mark reminds him and Jackson clenches a hand over his chest, as if the older idol just stabbed him.

"Do you have to remind me of those dark times?" Jackson gasps, the betrayed look in his eyes worthy of an Academy Award.

Mark laughs heartedly.

"It's still the same home, Gaga, just a few metres closer to the bathroom," Mark reminds him but Jackson still pouts.

"What if I miss you too much and I can't sleep?" questions the younger idol as Mark sits in front of him this time, realising the conversation won't be finished quite soon. Once he's on his bum with his legs crossed, he reaches out to grab Jackson's hands and hold them between his.

"Then you call me and I'll go to you. I'll cuddle you until your fall asleep," Mark promises, giving Jackson's hands a reassuring squeeze and some reassurance with the simple gesture.

"It'll have to be on the sofa, because otherwise hyung is gonna get mad," Jackson points out, causing a light chuckle to escape Mark's lips.

"Okay, the sofa with many blankets," Mark concedes and finally Jackson is smiling at the prospect.

No matter how much logic he puts into the situation, he still wants to cling to Mark. He can't get rid of the feeling he wasted so much time, and now with their busy schedule, especially his that takes him to different places, away from Mark, it makes him feel apprehensive, considering they won't spend as much time together as they'd like. Jackson won't have that certainty that Mark is right there, a few steps away from him and at reach. Yes, he knows Mark will be just in another room but well, excuse him for wanting to have his own space with Mark.

"Better now?" Mark asks so Jackson has to take a deep breath before answering.

"Yeah, I know I have to move out," Jackson accepts. "I'll miss you, roomie."

To decide who would move out of which room they did a fair and unquestionable mature game: the ladder game. Turn out Jaebum won, he chose to stay, which meant Jackson had to move all of his stuff to the other room. Doing that has made him realise the insane amount of belongings he has and that he should seriously consider recycling.

"Come on, let's finish taking your things to your new room," Mark calls, rising to his feet and dragging Jackson with him.

Jackson makes himself heavy so Mark has to really put strength to lit Jackson, and the older isn't weak in no way, but Jackson is just stronger so when the younger pulls back, he takes his boyfriend with him, making Mark trip and fall on top of him.

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