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      "Mark, hey, Mark," Jackson calls softly, his hand gently tapping the older's cheek while the taxi driver waits. Jackson paid already but he doesn't want to be too sudden. "We're home, wake up, please."

Mark winces and scrunches up, kind of pulling closer to Jackson and refusing to wake up. The younger's heart actually races at that, the adorable expression that his band mate is wearing and how he wraps an arm around Jackson's waist, basically using the other rapper as a teddy bear.

"Mark, wake up," Jackson insists, giving the taxi driver one apologetic look.

If Mark doesn't wake up, he'll have to drag him, because using drastic measures, apparently, isn't an option anymore. Three months ago Jackson wouldn't have allowed this to happen and would've woken the older up with a punch or something. Now he's being the gentlest one.

"I don't wanna," Mark mumbles, snuggling closer to Jackson, his nose buried in the younger's neck. "Five more minutes."

"If you get moving, you can sleeping in your bed," Jackson tries again, going for bargaining this time but Mark only whines. "Come on."

Carefully, Jackson moves from under Mark's head and that works better because the older unconsciously follows Jackson, as if not ready to leave the comfortable position and the warmth the younger provides. With that, the younger rapper manages to take his hyung out of the taxi and actually succeeds at making Mark stand outside their building.

Jackson starts walking and Mark follows, but the older is still in a semi-asleep state, mumbling incoherences in a mix of English, Korean and Mandarin that's got Jackson trying to stop his own grin. Why does he suddenly find Mark so endearing?

Considering at least seventy percent of Mark's brain is still asleep, it is no surprise that the older trips and almost falls. He would've greeted the floor with his pretty face had not been for Jackson who has always had such fast reflexes. The younger catches Mark before this can fall, one hand around the older's bicep and the other on his chest, holding him. Mark looks up for a second, eyelids heavy with sleep but it seems he tries to focus on Jackson and when he does, he wears this breathtaking smile that makes Jackson's inside twist in unpleasant ways.

With his hand, Mark rubs his eyes and seems to still struggle to fully wake up, so Jackson takes pity of him and actually throws the older's arm over his own shoulders to guide him inside. He is, however, totally surprised when they take the lift because the moment they stop moving, Mark is moving closer, clinging to Jackson once again as if the younger was the new teddy bear.

Jackson freezes when he feels Mark's arms around his own neck, the slender body pressed against him in a lazy yet totally comfortable way. Mark is clearly leaning on Jackson, falling fully asleep again on the younger so it's this one holding the weight of the older.

"Mark, wake up or I'll have to carry you bride-style and neither of us wants that," Jackson warns his fellow rapper right before the lift doors open for them but Mark only groans. "Ah, come on, Mark!"

"No," Mark says and clings closer to Jackson, acting like a kid refusing to leave the bed, although Jackson is actually trying to get Mark to bed.

Ah, such an impossible kid. Why is Mark even older?

Jackson walks forward, dragging Mark out of the lift and knowing there are just a few steps to their door, he just says fuck it and grabs Mark bride-style. The older doesn't even complain, if anything he naturally seems to accommodate more comfortably to Jackson. The younger groans in complaint, though. For someone so skinny, Mark is actually heavy as he's zero percent fat and all muscle.

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