Chapter 15: The Final Surprise

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After the fatal encounter was over, the police accompanies Charlie Parker to the police station, where he will be tried as a serial killer. Meanwhile, Mom resumed her duties as a newspaper editor and Ben and I worked on our studies.

But because I passed my exams and managed to turn in my college application essay, I had to wait for another two weeks before Princeton made its decision. After homework, I kissed Ben's mouth very slowly until he backed away.

I looked at him, completely hurt by his bold choice. "What's wrong?" I asked. Did I forgot to use breath spray? Do I smell weird? "Nothing," Ben insisted, taking both of my hands. "Nothing at's just that I need to tell you something you needed to hear."

"Are we breaking up?" I asked in confusion. Ben shook his head. "I got accepted to Havard." A huge smile returned to my lips as I hugged him very affectionately. "That's big news!" I squealed. "I am so happy for you!"

He smiled, but didn't say anything. "I gave it some thought," he continued. "And I decided for us to be friends, nothing more." I stared at him in shock. "Oh," I said sadly. "How come?"

"College is a big deal for both of us," Ben explained. "I want you to be happy and do something you love than having to Skype me every single day." "So, you're saying that I shouldn't talk to you?" I snorted.

"Of course not!" Ben sighed. "Are you afraid that I might be cheating on you?" I pressed. "Because that is never going to happen. You made a promise to me that we will always be together no matter what!"

"Cole," Ben began. "I do love you, very much." I sighed as I brushed away my bangs from out of my eyes. "I love you, too." I admitted. "But friend or not, I want us to be a team."

Ben stared at the floor then sighed again."I think we need to be friends," Ben insisted. "We're not breaking up or anything stupid, it's just that I am afraid that we might be interested in other people."

Ben does have a point, I thought. College is a big place for new opportunities, but what if I made a huge mistake, like my father did? What if Ben would never forgive me or turn his back on me?

I gave him a sad smile. "Okay," I said finally. "Let's be only friends, but I am not getting another boyfriend." He rolled his eyes but then nodded. "Okay," he repeated. Shortly after our "breakup", Ben headed downstairs and waved goodbye to my mother, to which she sadly waved back.

As soon as he closed the door, Mom noticed the tears in my eyes then asked me what was wrong. "Ben and I broke up," I answered, drying my eyes. She raised her eyebrow at me as she pressed for details.

Did he cheated on me? Did he do something bad? I said no to her questions. "Then, what happened?" Mom asked. She gestured me to the chair and sat besides me. "He got accepted in Harvard," I explained.

"He isn't sure that the long distance relationship would work so he broke up with me, but we stayed friends." Mom nodded mournfully. "Ben made the right decision," Mom agreed. "He didn't want to see your heart broken, but he loves you very much, does he?"

I nodded. "He doesn't want to end up like my father." Mom's smile grew even wider. "He is a very nice boy." she replied. "But I haven't met him before." I looked at her cheery smile, but in her eyes they were searching for Ben.

"Mom," I began. "Ben is real." Mom gave me a puzzled look. "I lied so I can keep his identity a secret." She stroked my hair in response. "Whose identity?" Mom asked. "Luke's." I answered. "His real name is Benjamin Hamilton."

Mom stared at me until Ben walked inside the house again. "Sorry," he replied. "I think I have lost my jacket in your bedroom." But as soon as Ben saw me and my mother together, he decided to come back another time. Until Mom stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Ben," Mom said politely. "Come sit down with us." When he heard that name, Ben stared at me in surprise, but sat down next to Mom. "Yes, Ms. Porter?" Ben asked. She looked at him with curiosity and asked if Ben is his real name.

"Yes," he answered. "But why didn't you tell me since we first met?" Mom asked. Clearing his throat, Ben told every single detail of his past: the death of his parents, how he suffered in abusive foster homes, and how he got arrested.

When he was finished with his story, Mom patted him gently on the shoulder. "You and your brother are more than happy to stay under my roof for as long as you like." "But there is only one question," Mom added. "Are you being intimate with my daughter?"

"Gross, Mom!" I shrilled. "We only kiss, that's all." Ben explained truthfully. "We don't do anything extreme until we're married." Shocked, Mom asked him more questions about his past, like what he was like when he was a child.

"I was happy and smart." Ben admitted. "My parents meant the entire world for me and my brother until they died." "Your parents are dead?" Mom explained carefully. "So, who is taking care of you?"

"Lazy Bill and his ugly wife, Jill." Ben answered bluntly. "They're neglective, but I take care of them every once in a while. My brother, Seth had just turned eighteen yesterday..."

After a two hour trivia with Ben, she got up from the couch and pulled out a brown square cake in the oven. "Cole and Ben," Mom called. "Help me put the frosting and the candles on the cake."

We did it without any question. As Ben searched for the candles, I take out a can of cake frosting and spread it with a knife until every trace of the smooth surface has been covered in creamy chocolate.

Ben had already gotten the candles from the drawer and stuck them on top of the cake. "What's the special occasion?" I asked. Ignoring my question, Mom lit the candles and carried the cake to the properly setted table.

"Why are we-" I started to say. "Today is your birthday." Ben replied. Mom nodded in agreement. "I have also gave you permission to get a tattoo," she said. "But please, don't chose anything inappropriate to ruin your lovely skin."

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