Chapter 10: School Suspension

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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Why?" I shrieked. "We didn't do anything!" Ben looked unsurprised at the shocking news. "Let me guess," he began. "Does this have to do with last night?"

The principal nodded solemnly. "I have already called your parents about your suspension." "We had nothing to do with that carnival fire!" I cried. "Ask the entire class!" "I did," he began. "But apparently, witnesses saw you two escaping the scene."

"What were the witnesses' names?" Ben asked suddenly. The principal looked at him sternly. "What?" he asked. "You know what I said," Ben coldly responded. "What were the witnesses' names?" The principal looked at the smug of his tiny desk.

"There weren't any witnesses," I scowled. "Were they?" Ben leaned forward to stare at the principal's eyes. "Who told you to suspend us?" he asked. "It couldn't be the school board because last I checked, they don't get involved in tragedies like this."

"It was an officer who told me to suspend you kids," the principal explained. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Does the officer have a name?" I asked. The principal nodded. "Officer Jason Clint." Our eyes widened at this.

Jason forced the principal to suspend us? I looked at Ben, but he didn't stick around. He rose up from his seat then angrily left the office. "Do you know why he would do that?" I asked. "Officer Clint want you two in the police station," he explained. "They are already interrogating Luke's brother."

I rose out of my chair then scrambled after Ben. Back at the hallway, I checked around and found him, yelling vicious words at Jason. He wore his causal dark brown leather jacket, jeans, and tennis shoes. Luckily, I went over there and pulled Ben off of Jason, who seemed ready to murder him.

"Can you tell your boyfriend to calm down?" Jason hissed. "Sure," I answered coldly. "After you give us thirteen reasons why we're suspended!" He both gave us pleading looks and had us go outside so we can talk. Ben took a couple of deep breaths and together we followed him out of the school building.

In front of the school was a police car, parked against the sidewalk. As Ben and I went down the steps to go and meet up with Jason, I saw the veins popping out of Ben's skull. I never seen him this angry before in my life. I'm already guessing that he heard about Seth in the interrogation room.

"Hey," Jason greeted. "What is going to happen to my brother?" Ben demanded. "Relax," he reassured. "Seth is fine, he is just answering a couple of questions." "In the interrogation room," I added with a snarl. "Do you know that I am fully responsible of him?" Ben roared. "When the court figures out that Seth is in jail, they are going to take him away from me again!"

"Wait," Jason began slowly. "What does he mean by 'again'?" But Ben was already inside the car, strapping his seatbelt and waiting for him to drive. "Let's go,"I said impatiently. I headed into the car and strapped myself in. As we waited patiently for Jason to drive, I advised Ben not to lose his temper.

"I won't lose my temper," he promised. "Except only on Jason." "Ben," I sighed. "Jason is a cop and he will arrest you." Just then, Jason hopped into the driver's seat and started the car. The vehicle groaned for a few seconds before roaring to life.

Ben stared into space while my eyes fixated on my cellphone. It has a vibrant dark purple phone cover with a picture of Spencer Hastings on it and attached to the device is a golden figure of herself. I received the phone charm from Ben as some sort of anniversary gift as well as the Nancy Drew silhouette and Sherlock Holmes' hat. 

"Are you okay?" Ben asked. I sighed and leaned against his shoulder. "We're suspended from school and your brother's in the police station, again." I reminded. He smiled as he rubbed my shoulder gently. "What else do you want for your birthday?" Ben whispered. 

I had almost forgotten that it was May fourth, six days before my birthday. "I want to solve the case," I whispered back. "I want everything to be dealt with so we can spend some quality time together." "Must have slipped my mind about the bookstore," he chuckled.

"Don't worry about it," I reassured. "I would like to have a motorcycle for my birthday, but I think it will be too expensive." "Just tattoos then?" Ben asked. I nodded very eagerly. "We're here," Jason said finally, parking the car in between two other police vehicles. 

Ben and I crawled outside then made our way into the station, leaving Jason behind. As usual, the station is packed. Cigarettes and dark coffee hung in the air as a few others shoved a criminal into his new home. Men and women were typing computer keys while calling people on the phone while others were chatting about their children.

Without a moment to lose, we walked over to the front desk and asked about Seth. "He's sixteen, he has red hair, and he's really annoying." I described.  The police officer nodded, pointing to the direction of the interrogation room.

We thanked him hastily and scurried to the dark hallway until I found a small, pasty room that led us to a clear window: It showed a very bored Seth and a police officer talking to each other. "They have been at him for hours now," Ben stated. 

Two police officers were sipping their coffee mugs, watching the scene very carefully. "So, tell me about yourself." the officer insisted. He had olive skin, a suit and tie, and no hair on his head. "Hello," Seth greeted sarcastically. "My name is Seth Hamilton and I am really getting tired of talking to you."

"Really?" the officer squeaked. "I thought maybe you can tell us some information about the school carnival burning down." "Seriously?" Seth moaned. "Look, I have already told you about it to your buddies. I don't know what started the fire."

"But you're a student at Newton High, right?" he asked. "I don't even go to school!" Seth cried. "The only reason I went there, because my idiot brother made me!"

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