Chapter 14: Gunpoint

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We hopped back into the car and without question, Ben gave me the directions to Newton High. Charlie's father did remind me of someone, but what if we are wrong? I thought.

I drove until we reached the Newton High school building. I shifted the car into the entrance to the school and parked it next to Mrs. Whitfield's red convertible. "Let's go," Ben said. Closing the doors behind us, we rushed into the building and stormed across the hallway until we found the principal's office.

I opened the door as we walked past the busy secretary and barged into the principal's office. We caught him discussing personal matters to a young businesswoman. The principal's dark eyes widened at our appearances and politely asked the businesswoman to wait outside.

Sighing, the woman got up from her chair then left the office. The principal looked both at us in suspicion, demanding us why we are still in school. "Your son is looking for you," Ben answered. Surprised, I gazed at him then back at the principal, who looked more angry than shocked.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he seethed. "I don't have a son." Ben reached something in his pocket then set it down in front of him. "That man in the picture looks a lot like you." he began. "But what I don't understand is what made Charlie kill two people and burn down carnivals?"

The principal glanced at the photo then gave it back to him. "I don't know what you are talking about," he repeated. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "It's obvious that man in the picture is you," I scowled. "There is no denying it."

He gazed at me for a moment before sighing. "Charlie is not my son," he stated. "He was my brother's son." Ben and I stared at each other. "So, you're his uncle-" I began. Just then, the school secretary came by the door, but when she saw us talking, she blushed and closed the door.

"Yes," the principal continued. "I am Charlie's uncle." "What happened to his parents?" I asked. "And why does he hate carnivals?" Ben asked. "It all started when he was four years old," Principal Parker said. "His parents had been killed in some sort of boating accident, so my wife and I raised him like he was our own."

"My wife and I eventually took Charlie to a carnival that was not too far from where we lived, but somehow he always hated the idea of clowns not to mention the rides or the kids his age. One day at school, they found his fear of carnival rides and exploit them to their friends."

"They made his life a living hell for him." Principal Parker then made fists with his hands and stared at him. "Until one day, he began planning his revenge: Charlie asked me if I can let him go to the circus, and I made the mistake of saying yes. The next thing I knew, the circus went down in flames, killing everyone inside it."

Ben bit his lips while I gazed at Principal Parker, whose eyes were flooding with tears. "Did they know who did it?" I asked softly. He shook his head. "Where is Charlie?" Ben asked. "He's dead," he whispered. "Along with many innocent people."

I furiously blinked away my tears as Ben thanked Principal Parker for his time. "Stop him," Principal Parker urged. "No matter what it takes." Nodding, Ben and I left the school and went home. "Hey Mom," I sighed, tossing my bag on the couch. "I'm home. I thinking about making chicken salad-"

I heard a loud sniffle coming from my bedroom. I quietly reached for my pepper spray then climbed upstairs. Instantly, the crying stopped. "Mom?" I called, my hand clenching on the staircase rung. "Are you there?" No answer. Swallowing a gulp, I marched to my bedroom and found Mom being held against her will by Charlie.

Mom wore a brown cardigan sweater, blue pants, and no shoes. Her hair is in a short ponytail and the ring around her eyes are swollen red. She has been crying before I got here. Behind Mom and Charlie is an opened window. I glanced to see a small basket of laundry scattered on my bed.

I have already guessed Charlie broke into the house again, but this time Mom saw him and is now held at gunpoint.

Dark blood held onto his dark hoodie, like a blanket. In his right hand, a gun pressed against my mother's temple. "Drop it," Charlie urged, staring at the pepper spray in my hand. Reluctantly, I obeyed. "We found your uncle," I said calmly. "He told me about what happened-"

"Where is he?" Charlie asked. "He is the school principal in Newton High," I answered truthfully. "Now, would you please let my mother go?" Biting his lip, Charlie told me to shut up. Mom shrieked in horror as he tightened his grip on the handle.

"Where are my parents?" he demanded. "They're dead," I admitted. "They died in a boating accident. You were only four years old when your aunt and uncle took you in." But when I mentioned the night of the carnival, Charlie changed the subject.

"Did you come here alone?" he rasped. "Where's your boyfriend?" "Right here," a voice answered. Just then, Charlie was struck across the face and fell on the ground. Mom crawled away from his unconscious body and shakes her head. As it turns out, Ben was the one who saved us.

He came over and hugged me tightly. "Are you okay?" Ben asked. "How's your mother?" "I don't know," I insisted. "I think she is a little bit stressed out." He brushed a strand away from my eyes and said that he is going to call the police and have them pick him up."

"Okay," I said softly. He kissed me gently on the forehead in response. "Mom," I began, walking up to her. "Are you hurt?" She shook her head and squeezed me carefully. "Thank you," she said tearfully.

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