Chapter 1: The School Announcement

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Newton High was like any other high school: there were jocks, cheerleaders, eco-friendly perks, and other groups. Every single day, students are being threatened by projects, late homework, tests, quizzes, and especially critical teachers. However, today was different.

Earlier this morning, the teachers has decided to let us off the hook because we had an emergency assembly. After we were released from math class, I tapped my boyfriend, Ben's shoulder. Although he was staring at the contents of Sherlock Holmes, Ben seems to know where he is going. "Did they ever tell us what the problem is?" I asked.

"I mean, this isn't the first time they made us walk over to the auditorium." Ben sighed as he turned the page. "What if there actually is an emergency?" I continued. "Would there be a robbery or some kind homicide?" Ben shrugged his shoulders then continued reading. "You have a grand gift of silence," I quoted sternly. "It makes you invaluable as a companion."

Ben closed his book then gave me a long stare. He has green eyes, wavy dark brown hair, and a pale complexion. He wore a black t-shirt, dark jeans, and matching sneakers. "Look Gorgeous," he replied. "I don't know what to say other than, let's go." I crossed my arms and gave him an annoyed look. "Besides," he added. "Even if there was an emergency assembly, I would have smelled the officers' cologne or see their cars."

Being the smartest person of the room, Ben hears, smells, sees, and tastes little details, like his favorite fictional hero Sherlock Holmes. "Okay," I said. "Maybe I was just overreacting." Ben kissed my forehead then promises to save me a seat at the auditorium. As I followed a group of classmates to the two large metallic doors, red velvet carpet replaced the cold tiles of the school floor.

Black seats lined up on either side of the room, watching the empty stage come into place. Stagelights stayed on the glossy floor while unused instruments stood near the red curtains. I walked until I found Ben, separated from the rowdy classmates.

 He wore his sad frown, reading another page from his book. Beside him was an available seat. Smiling, I scooted past the other students and sat next to him. While reading, Ben slipped his free hand off of his armchair then held onto mine with a sly grin on his face.

I squeezed his hand tightly then rested my head on his shoulder. I never realized how much I loved Ben since the moment I had met him. Back then, he called himself Luke and lied in order to protect his identity, but the weirdest part was he never lied about his feelings for me.

We became boyfriend and girlfriend in secret, despite the fact that the entire school thinks we're best friends. "Cole," Ben replied. "Maybe after school we can go to the bookstore. I could use some more reading material." "Sure," I beamed. 

Everyone chatted until the principal showed up, looking grim and subtle; it's like he devoured a bad burrito. "Attention Newton High students," he announced. "I have called you over to tell you something very terrible. But, I can assure you-" 

"JUST GET TO THE POINT!" a vain girl named Madison shouted. She, along with her shallow friends, sat three rows behind us. As always, Madison wore a tight pink tank top, skinny pink jeans, and flip flops, but this time her blond hair was straightened down.

"Hello, I have a spa appointment in an HOUR!" Rolling his eyes, the principal cleared his throat then continued his "urgent" message: "So far, the school has been trying to make repairs. To be honest, I was going to make the school do a mandatory fundraiser, but that wouldn't be fun, won't it?" 

None of us answered his question. "After some thought," he added. "I have decided for all of us to have a carnival!" The principal waited for us to react eagerly, but we just blankly stared at him. "We're going to have games, fun-" "What's in it for us?" Madison's new besties, Alexandra interrupted.

I looked up at him, hoping if he could answer her question. But instead, the principal changed the subject. "Now, I have asked Madison to supply us with the money we need to make our dreams come true. Thankfully, a check of twenty million dollars would suffice!"

"Yay," everyone cried weakly. "The prom committee and the art club were more than welcome to help the school." the principal beamed. "Seriously?" I heard Ben chuckle to himself.  He droned on and on about the carnival until it was time for lunch. 

"Okay, class." the principal began. "Everyone line up in a single orderly fashion-"but just when we heard the bell ring, all of us jumped off of our seats and escaped the auditorium, leaving the principal confused. 

Ignoring teachers' dark looks, we showed up at the cafeteria, staring at the metal tubs of cooked meals. Grabbing the orange trays from their  neat stack, we stood in a neat line, waiting to be served. 

Suddenly, two cafeteria ladies came through the kitchen and saw us standing in a straight line. They were both shocked and confused, but served helpings of gooey macaroni and cheese, carrots, and beans. After our trays are filled with food, Ben and I walked over to our table then ate until our stomachs were full.

I let out a sigh of relief then patted my belly. It was a long assembly, but nonetheless we had our lunch. "Aah," Ben sighed happily. We waited for our food to digest before I asked a random question. "What was it like?" I said in a hushed voice. "Getting a tattoo?"

Ben's eyes rose at my question. He had a tattoo of a black skull with words that says Rest In Peace, Aaron on his left shoulder blade. Aaron was an old friend of Ben's parents, but as soon as they died in a car accident he took care of them until he was murdered in the line of duty.  Supposedly, Ben got his first tattoo when he turned sixteen. "It didn't hurt that much," Ben replied. "Why, you want one too?"

I admit, up until now I wanted to get a tattoo like Ben's but since Mom couldn't stand them, I decided to wait until May 15th, the date of my birthday.  "I was thinking of getting Chinese characters on the left side of my back." I said.

"Like Lisbeth Salander?" Ben guessed. I nodded, unashamed of my choice. "I'm going to be eighteen next week," I insisted. "It's time for me to be different." Grinning, Ben brushed away the ombre strand of my hair then tucked it behind my ear. "Good," he said. "Different is the new beautiful."

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