Chapter 139

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I held Cathy's hands as she balanced on her feet. She wasn't quite walking on her own yet, but was making numerous attempts. Trish was sitting on a blanket beside me as she weaved a shirt and watched us. I walked backwards slowly while holding her hands as she kicked out her feet as she attempted to take steps.

I glanced over and grinned at Diane as she took a seat by Trish. Cathy decided she had enough of walking and sat down with a thump. I sat beside her. She noticed my sun locket and crawled over to try and grab it. I swiftly tucked it down my shirt so it was out of her reach. I didn't want to take any chances of her grabbing it and yanking hard enough to break the chain.

I held up my keychain watch and it distracted her. Rick was right, distraction was a very powerful tool. I grinned as a tiny blue-eyed child scampered towards Diane. Hope's small size and blue eyes were unique.

There were other infants who had been born with Heartfire, but she was the only one able to walk yet. The fact that she was walking already was shocking. Hope stumbled just before she reached Diane, but Diane was faster. Diane put her hands under her arms and lifted her to the sky without getting to her feet.

Hope cooed in delight before giggling. I grinned at the happy child. Trish shook her head before turning to grin at Hope's mother who was coming towards us. Trish chuckled, "It amazes me that her knees aren't all skinned up around the clock."

The lady sat down with a chuckle, "Oh, she does skin her knees a lot. Luckily the Heartfire heals her as swiftly as mine heals me."

Trish watched as Diane bounced the tiny giggling girl on her knee, "Does she ever get the muscle ache from inactivity?"

The mother shook her head, "So far, not yet. Although whenever she is awake, she goes full tilt so that probably prevents it."

Trish watched Hope kicking her legs in glee at the ride, "I find it hard to believe that a seven month old can even walk, let alone start to run. You are going to have your hands right full in five more months. Cathy is only eleven months and I find her a handful already."

Hope squirmed and Diane let her up. Hope walked over to a tire swing and started pushing on the hanging tire, but wasn't able to shift it much with her tiny body.

Her mother watched her carefully, "As far as Kerry can tell she is a healthy girl, her physical abilities are just developing faster. It is almost certainly due to the Heartfire. She isn't much bigger or heavier than average, although she is stronger and has quite a strong grip. If she gets a good hold on something that you are picking up, you are almost lifting her off of the ground before she loses her grip."

Diane also watched Hope, "Is she understanding more than the average for her age?"

The lady nodded, "Yes, she can't talk yet, but she knows at least forty people on sight and can understand basic commands. Thankfully she obeys them most of the time. I am not looking forward to the terrible twos. We have no idea what she will be capable of at that point."

If she was already walking, this child would be a bundle of unstoppable energy in a few years. It was a good thing that both of her parents were fired. They were going to need their Heartfire energy and stamina to keep up. We watched quietly for a bit, but little Hope just energetically pushed against the swinging tire even though she barely budged it.

Trish glanced at Diane, "By the way, have you heard anything about that guy you fired yesterday?"

Diane shook her head, "Not really. Kerry is keeping an eye on him. He was in such bad shape that he barely even got any muscle aches and a simple walk around the room was sufficient. He is still in the nursing complex somewhere."

A Different Virus - Laura's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora