Chapter 123

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I was happy to see the walls of Sanctuary in the distance. It truly felt like I was coming home after a trip away. Diane was also watching the approaching walls with a bit of relief, although it could just be because we had been sitting for so long.

I grinned as I looked once more upon the huge colorful sign on our palisade that proclaimed this place to be Sanctuary. The sign was taller than I was and much, much longer, it could be seen from quite a distance away.

Eventually, the trucks came to a stop inside of the truck shelter. Two other truck shelters had been put up against this one to provide shelter for all three sets of trucks. I could see that Roland's trucks were here, but the other group was still out trading as they tried to fill their trailers with trading profits.

Most of the population had gathered to help us unload and the help was really going to be needed this time. Even with the amount of stuff that we had left at Toga Place, the trailers were still quite tightly packed.

Roland looked curious, possibly wondering why we were back so early. Dave smirked at him in good spirits before swinging open each trailer door with a flourish. Roland's jaw dropped and laughter echoed all around at his expression. I giggled and danced in place as I finally got to see Roland taken aback.

Roland shook his head as he approached, "How on earth did you manage that?"

Dave chuckled, "Let's just say that I have a few secrets."

Roland wasn't stupid and eyed up Diane and Ace. He knew firsthand about Diane's Raider skills and knew that Ace had been able to train Raiders when it was needed. He glanced back at Dave, "So what place did you raid?"

Dave grinned at being caught so easily, "A Walmart."

Roland shook his head, "Somehow I am not surprised..." He straightened up and called out, "Okay! Let's get this unloaded so these trailers can quit mocking me!"

There was a bustle of activity as people grabbed stuff and packed it off to the correct storage cave. A line of people actually formed between the one trailer and the food storage area as people simply turned into a human conveyer belt. I also helped pass the bags and boxes.

There was no current way to get the pallets out with a pallet jack since we didn't have a proper ramp built yet. I suspected that would be one of the first building projects come spring. It took us almost an hour before we managed to unload everything, which was a record even with so many people pitching in. Every little crack or gap in those trailers had been packed with something.

Amber called out, "Ah, Diane, I have something for you."

Diane paused in curiosity as she waited for Amber to approach with a small paper bag. "Something for me? I don't believe I was expecting anything to arrive."

Amber grinned and passed the bag to her. Diane opened it up and scowled. Amber chuckled at her reaction, "Trevor said to tell you, 'good try though'."

Diane rolled her eyes, "That guy should just accept my payment like he does from everyone else."

Amber was quite amused by the refusal of all Messengers to accept payment from Diane and just grinned in response. I also found it quite hilarious. Diane had been quite ingenious in a few attempts to get someone to pass some form of trade good to Trevor, but he always managed to get it back to her.

I noticed that Ace looked particularly amused, but not overly surprised. I kept my thoughts to myself, but couldn't help but to muse over the fact that Ace would have known that Diane always insisted on overpaying. He had also been the Messengers' main trainer for Raider or fighting stuff, which gave him a lot of time alone with that group.

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