Chapter 4

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I slowly woke up and blinked at the tv. I must have fallen asleep since the tv was playing Sesame Street. I wondered if I could have a glass of orange juice and some toast. I walked into the kitchen, but Mom wasn't there. I went upstairs, but she wasn't up there either. Where was she? I didn't see Dad either.

I heard the door open and close and went back to the stairs. I headed downstairs and paused as I heard Mom crying. Why was she crying? I quickly ran down the rest of the steps. "Mom, what's wrong?"

The last time I had seen her cry like this Auntie had died. I was worried. Why wasn't she answering? "Mom?"

She finally looked up with teary eyes, "Laura, sorry, I didn't see you there. It is after lunch time, are you hungry?"

I nodded, "Can I have orange juice and toast?"

She nodded and went into the fridge. I looked around. Why was she crying? I wondered if Dad would tell me.

"Mom, where is Dad?"

Mom paused and looked sad, "The neighbor hurt him when he went to get the paper this morning. I took him to the hospital, but they wanted him to stay there for a while."

Oh no, Dad was in hospital? "Is he okay?" Why would the nice old neighbor hurt Dad? They always played card games together.

Mom nodded slowly and hesitated, "He will be fine, but they think the neighbor might have had the bad flu and wasn't himself. I may have been exposed, so if I fall down or act funny run upstairs and close the main door, okay?"

I blinked in shock, "The bad flu is in town?"

Mom nodded again, "Yes, and the zombie virus was also reported, so avoid anyone with red eyes or if they act funny. Just in case I catch it, if I fall down, I want you to run as fast as you can up to the second floor and close that door and lock it. Don't open it unless I tell you in words that it is safe to come down. If I am sick I may make other noises, but whatever you do, don't open that door or you might get sick too. Do you understand?"

She looked really serious and upset. I didn't like it when she got mad, thankfully she was rarely upset for long. I nodded slowly, I hoped that she didn't get sick. "How long do I stay upstairs?"

She shook her head, "Until I tell you it is safe. It may be a while, so you can eat anything up there while waiting. If I don't talk to you by the next day you can open the window if you see someone you think is not sick and call out to them, but be careful in case they are sick too."

The toast popped up and she buttered it and put some peanut butter and honey on it. I sat at the table and ate my toast and orange juice. Mom was looking out of the kitchen window with a frown. She muttered, "That isn't good. I better close the blinds before that zombie gets closer."

I got off my chair and brought my dishes over. Mom smiled as she took them from me. I turned to go watch more cartoons. I was halfway out of the kitchen when I heard the plate hit the floor and break. I turned around in worry. I gasped as I saw Mom shaking on the floor. I took a step forward, I hoped she wasn't sick. "Mom?"

I heard her growl. Uh oh. She told me to go upstairs if she fell down and I hadn't listened. Now she was mad. I quickly turned and ran up the stairs and closed the door and locked both locks. I went and hid beneath my bed, but she never came looking for me. I knew she had the keys for the locks hidden in her room, perhaps I had run fast enough that I wasn't in trouble.

Had she just been testing me or was she really sick? I really hoped that she wasn't getting sick. After a while I got bored of hiding and came out. I knocked on the locked door, "Mom, can I come out now?"

A Different Virus - Laura's StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum