Chapter 113

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Rick grinned down at me, "So, how have you been? Are you enjoying your travels?"

I nodded, "I am really enjoying being with Roland's group. I have been doing very well."

"So tell me more about Sanctuary. You mentioned it in your letters quite a few times. Did you ever get that zipline up?"

"We have almost everything we need built already. All of the animals' shelters and pens have room for a lot of expansion. We finally have enough homes built that no one is sleeping outside. Everyone has their own home. Yes, we got the ziplines up a few days ago and they are really fun to ride in."

We arrived in the training room and the evasion obstacles were already set up. It was like I had stepped back in time. Rick rolled his shoulders as he loosened them up, "So, did you forget everything I taught you?"

I grinned up at him, "I bet that even if you tried your hardest, that you wouldn't be able to catch me for at least five minutes."

I skipped sideways as Donovan went through the patch of air where I had just been standing. I giggled as I did a little ballerina spin. My Heartfire reactions were far better than his ambush attempt. I squeaked and took off running as Rick charged forward with a grin.

That man was fast when he wanted to be, but he wasn't as fast as Diane or those who had been fired for some time. I felt the heat rise as it came to my aid in this intense game of keep-away with two highly trained people. It flowed through my blood like a friendly warmth that increased my speed and sharpened my reflexes.

I could still fit through places that they couldn't, and I made excellent use of that fact. It was two against one, and none of us were holding back. Neither of them was a match for my turn of speed or maneuverability. I could corner very well since I was so much lower to the ground.

They must have been excited for my visit since they had set up the entire room with tons of obstacles and hiding spots. I almost entirely ignored the hiding places as I showed off my newfound abilities and skills.

It took only seconds for Rick and Donovan to abandon any ideas of holding back. Rick was one of the better trainers here, but minutes later he was breathing heavily as he still failed to catch me. He looked almost confused as he tried to work out a tactic that would allow two grown men to catch a child scampering around fences and hedges.

Rick finally came to a stop as he huffed and puffed, "All right, I give. I don't know how much sugar they gave you earlier, but I am positive that they did it just to torment me."

I turned my easy run into a twirl, "I didn't even have any sugar. Just food from the mess hall."

"Well, you are definitely in good shape. A regular zombie doesn't stand a chance of catching you in the open. I have a feeling that you also get a lot more practice with zombies than anyone here does."

I shook my head as I came back to them, "Not anymore really. The last month, we have mostly been at Sanctuary and we got the palisade up right away. There are not any towns nearby, so there are very few zombies around."

"So you are staying in Sanctuary instead of traveling with the traders? How are you enjoying that?"

I grinned at him, "It is really fun. We get to choose what we want to do and we can do something different every day if we want."

"What is your favorite part?"

"I really like collecting the eggs from the chickens or feeding the horses or sheep. There is big tame bull there too, he is fun to pet."

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