Chapter 11: Got A Secret?

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Everyone got up from the floor and scrambled over to her aide, curious to see what was going on. Using my flashlight, I tried to navigate the crowd through the treacherous maze of the once great museum.

We ran until we found her leaning against the busted sculpture of Theodore Roosevelt. Harold stood right beside her and stroke her hand, trying to calm her down. Every single one of my classmates paralyzed in fear while the adults just stood there expressionless.

"Just breathe, okay?" Harold sighed. "Just breathe." Allison swallowed a gulp then nervously stared down at her enormous belly. As it turns out, Allison's baby is coming out.

"Ouch!" Allison squealed. My classmates took careful steps back, but I stood along with the adults. She grunted and shut her eyes, but as the pain wore away, Allison looked at Harold.

He sighed in relief then told us that it was only a false alarm. Everyone stopped panicking and their nervous reactions suddenly vanished. I only just crossed my arms and stared blankly at Harold.

Clyde became the first person to come up to Allison and helped her up to her feet, much to Marie's dismay. "Are you alright?" he asked. Allison nodded then thanked him gratefully.

"Did you take any medication?" I asked suddenly. "Have you talked to your doctor?" Allison thought about it for a moment. "Yes," she said. "I always carry them, but somehow they make me feel wobbly."

My eyes widened at this. "Wobbly how?" I asked. She opened her mouth to speak, but then Jerry interrupted her. "Hey Cleo," Jerry began sternly. "We're trapped here and yet,  you have decided to play Doctor Operation?"

"Shut up, A-Rod."  I snapped. "The kid is right," Harold intervened. "Instead of asking questions, we need to find a way out of here." I gave Harold a long look before agreeing with him."Sorry," I mumbled. "I guess you are right."

"We have already circled around this part of the museum twice," a female classmate groaned. "We're never getting out of here!" Most of the kids seemed to grumble along with her. "Come on," Jared urged. "We can get out of here, we just need to stay-" A loud noise interrupted me. It almost sounded like a gunshot.

"What was that?" someone asked in a hushed voice. Instead of answering the question, I headed towards the sound of a bullet. Could it be the terrorist? I wondered as I stormed across the empty hall.

I later heard some scurrying, quickening my speed a bit more. "Hello?" I called. "Is anyone hurt?" There was no response, only a loud moan. I walked until I found a male tour guide, clutching his bleeding chest.

His blond hair spilled on the floor like liquid, his apprehensive brown eyes met mine, and a huge patch of blood appeared on his green shirt.

I dropped my flashlight then came over to him carefully. "Are you alright?" I cried. "Can you remember the person who shot you?" He flickered his eyelids at me as he tried to remember. I rested my hand on his chest  then checked his pulse. It seemed normal.

The man came in front of him when the tour guide was shot. "What did the person look like?" I pressured. "I need you to tell me." He swallowed a couple of gulps then began to speak.

"He had a nice face," he explained slowly. I nodded then urged him for more details. "I just don't understand," he said sadly. "Why would he do this? He was such a nice person."

I tilted my head to the side. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Who is the nice man? What did he-" The wounded man let out his last sigh and shut his eyes.  I stood up awkwardly then sighed. "He's gone," I muttered.

All of a sudden, I heard a scutter of feet, charging toward me. "Cleo!" Paige cried in the darkness. "What's going on-" She stared down at the bloodstained shirt of the fresh body.

"Ugh, gross!" I hear her mutter. "What happened?" a familiar voice asked. It belonged to Jared. "What happened here?" he asked. "Someone shot him," I explained. "And, I want to know who."

Paige stared at me as if I was crazy. "Someone killed that guy?" Jared asked. "Why?" "I don't know," I answered. "But I think he might be one of the adults." I expected them to laugh at my theory, but they didn't.

"Okay," Jared began, crossing his arms. "What proof do you have that one of the adults did it?" Taking a deep breath, I explained the twins the real reason why I was in the Security Room.

I told them what I had found out about Allison, Clyde, and Harold. I also told them about the Security Room having cell service. As soon as I was finished, Paige shook her head furiously.

"I can't believe that Harold isn't a real doctor," she replied. "I also think he had killed Mrs. Triton," I added. "Not on purpose, but on accident. I'll talk to my parents, maybe they could tell me about him."

"What about the others?" Paige asked. Jared scratched his head for a moment then told me that he and Paige will watch over them, in case if there is any trouble. "Alright," I said firmly. "Also, keep a close eye on Allison and Clyde. I don't trust them as much as-"

"Well," someone snickered behind Paige. "If it isn't the Mystery Trio." The twins and I turned to see Jerry, leaning against a pillar, looking at us. "I thought you were up to something, Cleo." Jerry began. "But Paige and Jared-"

"What do you want, Captain America?" Jared asked in a bored tone. Jerry did a casual shrug then walked over to us. "I want to know what is going on," Jerry insisted, staring at me. "Especially with Hermione  Granger over here."

We smirked at him as if he was joking. However, our smiles stopped when Jerry reached into his jersey coat pocket and pulled out his iPhone 6. His smile grew wider when he tapped the screen with his finger.

On the screen, it has buttons of a tape recorder.

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