Chapter 6: The Letter

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Mom saw my shocked look as I came downstairs. "Wow," I whistled. "That chick must have dumped him hard. He even kicked me out of my own room!" She walked over to me then smiled sadly.

"This is actually the first time I have ever seen him depressed." Mom admitted. "He stopped taking a shower, he stopped going to work, and he's starting to look like Chewbacca." I agreed.

"Don't talk to your uncle that way," Mom snapped. "Even he does look like Chewbacca." "I heard that!" Uncle Seth shouted. "Just give him some space," Mom advised. "I am sure he'll get over it."

Just then, a sad piano came on the radio upstairs. "Ugh," Mom muttered. "I understand that he is upset, but that doesn't mean he has to turn the music up." After dinner, I cleaned up the dirty plates and finished my homework on the dining table.

I darted through my History, Math, and English with a breeze. It took me two minutes to put my textbooks back in my backpack and set it besides my chair.

When it is time to take my shower, Uncle Seth wouldn't let me in so I had to barge into my room, snatched my clothes, and came downstairs in one piece.

I took my shower in the guest bedroom, scrubbing my entire body with soap and a washcloth until the grease and sweat swept into the drain. As soon as I dried my body with a towel, I put on my long pants and a blue nightgown then dumped my old clothes in the laundry basket.

Dad came around seven thirty with sleepy eyes and tired shoulders. "Hey Cleo," Dad beamed. "Hey Cole, how's Seth?" Mom pointed her finger upstairs and sighed. "Still depressed as usual."

"Not surprising," he replied with a moan. He kissed my cheek and Mom's forehead then disappeared into his bedroom. "I'm going to go and take a long bath." he explained. "As soon as you're finish," Mom began, placing his meal into the microwave.

"Your dinner is waiting for you." A smile grew on his lips. "Thanks Irene," he said. "No worries," Mom said back. "Just take your bath, okay?" Dad nodded then staggered up the steps.

Just then, I realized something. "Hey Mom," I answered. "Can you sign my permission slip, please?" Mom nodded as I hurried to get my folder and pen out of my backpack and give it to her.

"So, what's it about anyway?" she asked, examining the paper. "A field trip to the history museum," I answered. "It's due in three weeks." Mom reached into her jeans pocket and pulled a couple of wrinkled bills. After she signed the paper, Mom handed me back the permission slip.

"Here," she said, handing me the money. "It's a good thing that you aren't doing it at the last minute." I stapled the money together with the slip and thanked Mom dearly. I slipped the paper inside my folder then shoved it in my backpack.

After Dad returned from his shower, he heated up his dinner and went over to the table to eat it while Mom and I are watching the news. I tried to listen to a young man is chatting on the screen, but thanks to Uncle Seth's melancholy music, it became harder for me to hear.

Fed up, I shut off the television then stared at the dark screen. "Seth is still in Cleo's room?" Dad asked in surprise. Mom nodded in annoyance, touching my shoulder affectionately. As soon as Dad washed his dish, he set it in the dishwasher then headed upstairs.

Curious, Mom and I crawled out of the couches then saw him banging on the door. "Open up!" Dad cried. "You are using Cleo's room!" Sadly, there was no response. Sighing, he thrust the heel of his foot at the door. The door bursted open, allowing Dad to disappear, shut off the music, and came back downstairs pinching Uncle Seth in the ear.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Uncle Seth whined. "Stop pinching my ear!" Ignoring his pleas, Dad led Uncle Seth into the living room and shoved him on the couch. I stared at him in wonder while Mom only gave me a nod. "You can go to your room now." she said politely.

"Meanwhile, your father and I will talk to your uncle." Uncle Seth wiped the snot underneath his nose then wrapped his arms around himself. "Is he going to be okay?" I asked. "Yeah," Dad answered, staring down at his younger brother. "As long as he doesn't do anything stupid."

Reluctantly, I walked upstairs to my room and saw that my bedroom hasn't changed. Well, except for the stench of barbecue sauce and onions. The spicy taste came onto my tongue like a few drop. I felt my eyes getting watery as I rummaged for a vanilla fragrance bottle in my drawer.

Angrily wiping the tears away from my eyes, I sprayed the brown bottle with all of my might, erasing the evidence of the smelly onion and barbecue. Eventually, I set the half bottle of perfume on my desk drawer and fell under the covers.

As the drops of water began to sink in the fabric and wooden tables inside of my bedroom, the warm vanilla scent returned. As I shut off my lamp, I closed my eyes and slept through the entire night.

By the time the field trip arrived, I woke up extremely early, brushed my teeth, and changed into my clothes. Dragging my backpack with me, I ran downstairs to the dining table where a yellow sheet of paper, a plastic bottle of milk, and a bowl of dried cereal waited for me.

After I poured the milk into the bowl, I picked up the note then read it: Hi Cleo, it said. Sorry for not telling you this sooner, but your father and I are going to work. Something in headquarters is very urgent. Meanwhile, enjoy your field trip and we will see you soon!


Mom and Dad

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