Chapter 27

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A/N: I'm trying to make some graphics for this book and the series, but darn, do I suck at drawing!


"Are you sure we have everything we need?" My gaze swept through the room once again.

"We have enough food to feed three families so I think we are good," mom replied. "Although it would've helped if you'd asked Riley what he likes."

"Tart cherry juice," I said, glad that he would at least enjoy his drink and worried that maybe he'd find something wrong with the food. It was probably silly though; mom was pretty handy in the kitchen.

"So, you've told me." She nodded, slicing up the tomatoes.

"Do we have enough of that?" I wiped my sweaty palms against my jeans.

Should I change my jeans?

I was wearing my best pair, but was it good enough?

"Four bottles." Mom tilted her head towards the wooden table and a strand of her hair - a mix of grey and light brown - fell from her bun.

I tucked it behind her year and kissed her on her cheek.

"I should get going," I noted.

"I'm surprised you haven't already." Kennedy ran into the kitchen - his sport shorts covered in grass stains - and turned on the sink to wash his hands. "I'm starving," he announced afterwards, reaching for the plate with the ham slices.

"We are having dinner in about an hour so don't eat too much," mom ordered. "And take a shower. We are having Riley over."

"You know I always take a shower after soccer anyway," he spoke while chewing.

"Yeah, I should get going," I said - more to me than to them - and wiped my clammy hands again, this time on a paper napkin I then threw in the trash bin.

"What are you waiting for?" My baby brother stuffed more food into his mouth.

"What if Riley changed his mind? Or if I mixed up the day... I told you we agreed about Saturday, right?" I babbled on as I took out my phone to look at the date. "And today is Saturday..."

"Oh, just go already!" Kennedy pushed me towards the door with his ham-free hand.

"You'll be fine, Rhys, just breathe," mom reassured me with a smile, having moved to slicing cucumbers to add to the salad.

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Yeah, just breathe." Kennedy agreed. "If you are anxious, you'll only get Riley more nervous, you know. Don't you want him to relax and have fun with us?"

I looked down at my wise guru of a brother and sighed.

He was right; of course he was!

If I wanted Riley to be calm - and I did so with all my heart - I had to set an example. Be cool, be collected, be the...

"You are going to be late," Kennedy pointed out and with a hasty 'I'll see you soon' I dashed towards my car to pick up my mate.


It wasn't working.

I tried to appear calm and I think I succeeded - my mate not changing his mind in the last minute definitely helped - but Riley was anything but relaxed.

"Do I have anything between my teeth?" He asked for at least the fourth time, pulling his lips up and backwards to reveal his pearly whites.

"The answer is still no, Riley; you haven't eaten anything since you last asked me five minutes ago," I replied before aiming my attention at the street light which still shone red.

We are the Answer {boyxboy} ✔ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book I | Rhys)Where stories live. Discover now