Chapter 15

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is posted a day late! To make up for it, I'll update twice this week ;)

Anyway, time for Rhys and Riley to meet again.


"What do you mean Alec was there?" I shouted, startling both siblings. "Was he following Riley?"

"Calm down, Rhys." Keri raised her hands at the level of her shoulders to appease me. "I can't be sure, but I don't think so. I think he saw Riley walking alone and decided to tease him."

"To frighten him, you mean," Anthony pushed himself off the desk he was leaning on. "The boy was terrified. I thought he might cry."

"What did Alec say?" I growled, my body shaking.

"He spoke of the murder," Keri replied. "He said something like 'You shouldn't walk alone. There's a vicious killer on the loose'."

If anybody but my nephew had said that, I'd think it was out of concern. But Alec?

It had to be intimidation.

"Your nephew is trouble, Rhys. I know Everett cares for him, but we can't have him around anymore. He treats us like scum. And with another murder?" Anthony shook his head. "And that right after Alec got back in town."

"The perpetrator is a shifter, you know that, Anthony," Keri gently reminded her brother.

"But what if they had help?" Her sibling wasn't giving up. "We know the shifter is trying to make it look as if we are involved, but we don't know why; what if Alec is pulling their strings? He could be blackmailing them, he could've charmed them..."

"Even Alec wouldn't go that far." Keri waved him off.

"Do you agree, Rhys? Do you agree with my sister?"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I contemplated on it.

I didn't want to think Alec could do something as horrible as that, but could we really be sure?

He hunted down a Nighter... He and Vika had killed it... But what about a person?

What about a human being?

In such a horrific, nightmarish way... And for what?

To piss Everett off?

"No," I quietly uttered, then repeated louder. "No. I don't think Alec would go that far."

Anthony's jaw fell slack and he blinked at me, speechless.

"Very well." He then muttered, walking towards the door. "You have your opinion, I have mine. And I'll be contacting the Sentinels to tell them about it."

He closed the door to dad's study and I heard him wishing good night to my mom on his way out.

"I'm sure the Sentinels will find Alec had nothing to do with it." Keri leaned back on the desk, taking the same pose her brother had been in a few minutes ago.

But what if they find he's involved with something else?

"It is strange that he keeps coming back to Woodville though." A crease had formed on her forehead. "Maybe it's to tease Everett? To say 'Hey, I'm here, but I'm not going to stay at your home'?"

"I don't know." I sighed and leaned next to her. "Maybe."

"Well, one good thing came from Alec's encounter with Riley yesterday."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I finally got to meet your mate." She smiled. "I like him, Rhys. And I think it's safe to say that he likes you."

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