Chapter 3

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A/N: Who do YOU think would win in a fight between Rhys and Alec?

Announcement: I'm extending the time to enter my raffle and WIN ONE OF THE FIVE PRIZES!

They are: feedback on the first five chapters of a wattpad story of your choice, naming two Silver Bullets after one winner each, dedication of a YATA chapter and dedication of a WATA chapter.

Link in the comments.


"Your mother has more authority than you. And you can't even speak to your mate?" The nineteen-year-old chuckled and moved his gaze from me to the ice cream in his hand, scooping a bit more. "And that after waiting for... Oh, how did Uncle Kennedy put it?" His pale eyes looked straight into mine. "'Eight frickin' years.'?"

"That is enough, Aleksei!" Everett stepped forward.

His son smirked.

"Using my full first name, daddy? Are you angry with me for something?" He put the spoon in his mouth and sucked on it. When he took it out, his grin was even larger. "Are we going to have a fight? 'Cause I'm pretty bored right now."

"If you are so bored here, feel free to leave and don't forget not to write." Kennedy waved his right arm speedily as if sending him off.

Alec chuckled.

"You know, Uncle Kennedy, you are kind of amusing... for a mutt."

"Said the half breed," my youngest sibling retorted.

"Touché." The spoon grated against the bottom of the ice cream container as Alec scooped the last of it.

"We need to talk." I crossed my arms over my chest, my feet apart and my shoulders back. I was taller than my nephew, but whenever I had to reprimand him or try to convince him to do as I told him, I felt I needed to make myself as large as possible.

Not that that scared him.

He always remained perfectly calm, sometimes even bored.

"If you want me to find out your mate's name, then sure - I can ask him for it after I'm done screwing with him."

The echo of my growl could still be heard when the two sets of strong hands - one gentle, but firm and one desperately clutching onto me - grabbed my arms to restrain me. My body trembled and I could feel my teeth and nails elongating while my fingers began to shorten; all scents were stronger and all sounds got louder; colors faded and details of near-by objects blurred while those of faraway items all but disappeared.

"Rhys, please." Everett begged from my left.

"You are in control of the shift, son." My dad's voice came from my right. "Just breathe."

I took a deep breath, another snarl - this time quieter - coming from deep within my throat as I exhaled. It took me over a hundred repetitions - breathe in, breathe out - before I was in control of my body and somewhat in control of my desire to tear my nephew with my claws.

As the tremors subdued, so did Alec's interest towards me.

He had wanted me to lash out on him.

He had wanted a physical fight, not just a quarrel.

He would have had his wish if his father and mine had not gotten a hold of me.

And what would've came out of that?

I had no idea who would win.

I was stronger - much stronger - but I could not match his speed. He wasn't stupid either; he had knowledge of fighting and enough experience to put that knowledge to practice.

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