Chapter 10

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A/N: I'll be posting a one-page (6-8 panels/bubbles) comics about Aleksei, but I can't decide on his hair. Which of the three do you think is best for him?

Please ignore the head shapes and just look at the hairdos. Thanks to those of you who respond in the comments and to those who already voted on facebook!

Also, a disclaimer: I mention a town by the name of Pineville. I google searched it and it turned out to be a real place, but the one in this book is fictional, just like Woodville.

PS: The winners of my latest giveaway are at the bottom of this chapter. The next giveaway will be in February, as a part of the Wattpad Block Party with KellyAnneBlount.


"The light green one," Kennedy marched into my room and jumped over my bed amongst the dozens of tops I had on display.

"But I wore it the first time I was at the Milk & Cream," I protested. "Riley has already seen me in it."

"At some point - and given the lack of attire you have in your wardrobe that would be soon - he will have seen you in each of your t-shirts. And without anything on." He wriggled his eyebrows and grinned while I, turning slightly red, balled up a white t-shirt and threw it at him. He caught the almost untangled by the time it reached him top and laughed.

"Just put on the green t-shirt, brother. It looks best on you."

"And is this what you are wearing?" I nodded towards his old jeans and washed out, beloved black t-shirt with splashes of once-been-bright pink, yellow, blue and green.

"No. But the movie doesn't start for another two hours so it's too soon for me to dress up."

"It's closer to an hour and forty-five minutes." I pointed out.

"Yeah, but what if I get my clothes dirty?"

I froze, my head and one of my arms inside the t-shirt, the other arm hanging out, before abruptly pulling the clothing off.

My little brother laughed.

"It won't be the end of the world if you don't go with the perfect outfit, you know."

"Oh, shut up." I crossed my arms over my bare chest.

Should I get fully dressed now and know I was ready to head out or should I put my clothes on right before we left, preventing possible stains?

I sighed.

Even the smallest, everyday decision was like a matter of life or death when Riley was concerned.

And with a good reason. If I couldn't win him over, how would I go on living without him?

"It's summer, it's hot, just don't get dressed yet." Kennedy exhaled and slumped back on the bed, spreading his arms so that he took the shape of a slightly off kilter cross.

"We'll see how you'll act when you meet your mate," I said and began putting the t-shirts back in their place, leaving the green one outside.

"Nah, I'm not a man for a single woman."

I snorted.

Kennedy was extremely loyal even by our standards so flirty or not, there was no way he'd cheat on his mate, whoever she was. He was three years away from the Age of Recognition; would he have to wait for as long as I had to find The One?

We are the Answer {boyxboy} ✔ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book I | Rhys)Where stories live. Discover now