Chapter 22

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Edited 14/11/2020


~|Month 2~ Week one~|

Third pov

Jade now looked like she was past her first three months despite only one passing. She wasn't allowed to leave the house unless Daniel was there or she had someone with her, even so, he preferred that he be the one by her side. He wanted her on lockdown but that was a terrible idea with her extra temper added onto her already temperamental state.

He still gave it a go only to be thrown out the window, have knives and forks thrown at him and he even got beaten with spoons. With the added weight it began to get slightly difficult to move with certain things so she'd float them around. She herself floated too cause it was just easier that way.

The only way to get Jade to sleep was for Danny to be by her side. She enjoyed cuddling with him since it made her feel comfortable and his scent calmed her straight into sleep if he wasn't there she'd have anything that smelt like him.

~|Week two ~|

Jade's stomach kept growing, getting slightly bigger than the week it was before. Everyone, especially the pack was glad that their Luna was having pups, and without being told or ordered to, they switched modes per se. They became fiercely protective of their Luna and their Goddess.

Now came the clash of brother and mate. Where Jayson gave Jade junk foods to please her cravings Danny gave her healthy foods only. She ate both but since she was preferring Jayson's way more, she got exactly what she wanted with him, Danny was a bit... jealous.  

Jayson's mate, Ashley was excepting also, so he thought they could stay together so he can keep watch over them both. Safira was there to keep Jade from getting bored and strolling since Danny didn't want her exhausting herself. However, in place of Jade, she'd be the one to accompany him to alpha meetings since technically Jade can see through her eyes and tell her how to behave accordingly.

Then there came the Goddess's responsibilities. Every time she shifted her power would split into three. One for her to use, one to supply the pups, and the last focused solely on ensuring their safety. As Jade was stronger at night she chose to do her jobs then, watching over during the day and taking action at night. Daniel's job was to terminate those he didn't see getting any second chances and guiding those who he saw did. He was a bit more busy than Jade in this regard still they worked together to keep everything in check.

~|Week three ~|

Jade's mood swings got worse, especially when Danny wasn't near her. He was one of the few persons and things that could calm her down. The other persons being Jayson and Safira. Although Safira found it fun to get Jade angry until she made the mistake of causing an earthquake. She regretted it instantly since Danny and Kyle placed her on time out, which meant no flying and flying was Safira's next best thing besides oxygen and Jade.

Every time Danny was free or had little work to do he'd put Kyle in charge to go with Jade to spend time with her and to buy baby things. He too found it amusing when Jade's mood swings kicked in and she'd yell at anyone who annoyed her.

No matter the person.

Jade had grown over the week again. She was looking like four or five months along now, and that meant something of her clothes couldn't fit. She tried and failed so instead she now wears her brother's and mate's clothes. Terrance lets her borrow his hod dies too but Danny usually would rip it off her and replace it with his own.

"Mine." He'd growl just to have Terrance roll his eyes.

"I know that but come on man! That's the seventh one! I buy those just for my luna too!" He'd sulk pouted and whine about it.

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now