Chapter 21

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Edited 09/11/2020


~Two days later~

Daniel pov

With Jade back, after giving us all heart attacks by missing for three days, we set to work on fixing what was destroyed and healing those who were injured. I, however, had a shit ton of alpha work to get done. I was tasked with appointing a new council since the older ones thought they could handle Erik and went after him themselves. After we warned them!

So yeah, they're dead and their families aren't even surprised. They were sad for the first three days then moved on and gave me the task to appoint who I wanted as the new council members. That is what I'm currently deciding on now.

I am in my office making decisions, and I would be stress and annoyed but compared to the last few months it's much calmer. Not to mention... I looked up as Jade shifted in her sleep... She was with me.

Jade is with me, sleeping on the couch, she didn't want to sleep in our room cause I'm not there. Can't say I don't want her near me either. I've been even more overprotective of her now since she's pregnant. I won't let even Jayson touch her without watching his every move, which he finds funny. I usually don't until afterward and I realize what I'm doing so. At least he understands. Not his mate isn't pregnant, he's just understanding.

What was unexpected for me though was who Kyle's mate turned out to be. Devina? No, I don't know who that is. But if you thought about Safira then you're right.

They were literally making out as soon as the war was over shocking me. But when he found out she was a dragon, he fainted. That was hilarious, and when he woke up to Safira over him in her human form, naked. He basically had a heart attack.

I was dying laughing by then while he was fuming and highly annoyed at everyone who saw her naked. He even grumbled about knowing how Jade felt. I still don't but they now had another thing to rant about when together.

Chuckling I finished off the last of the paperwork, although not fully decided on the council members I had a few in mind. I stood stretching a bit before going over to my mate and coming pups. I knelt before her taking in her new scent mixed strongly with mine.

I placed my hand on her baby bump rubbing it softly. In only a month she looked three, which worried me at first but her mother reassured that was normal for her kind and Goddess's didn't have that long of a pregnancy span. I hummed lifting her shirt up so I can feel them, waking her up in the process.

"My alpha..." she hummed placing her warm hands atop mine. I smiled she always called me that when she was still mostly asleep "Are you finished?" She pulled me to her burying her face in my neck.

"Yes. We can leave now."

"Hmm. Carry me, too lazy and tired to walk."

"Already planning on it." I chuckled lifting her easily into my arms.

I coated her in my aura before teleporting us home. If I don't do that she vomits for hours and was in some pain for three to four hours. Did it once wasn't doing it again.

I set her gently on the bed climbing in after I changed from my day's clothes. I placed my arm over her shoulder and she snuggled closer to me. We enjoyed the silence and each other's company and the fact we no longer and to rush to do training and other things.

"Jade. Daniel." I shot up at the voice prepared to attack when I realized it the moon goddess and the man Jade was fighting. "It's time..." she smiled but my eyes were on the man.

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now