Chapter 1

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Edited- 16/12/2019


Jade pov

"Get the fuck up bitch!" Was the first thing I heard in the morning.

My dad then proceeded to burst through my bedroom door looking ready to use anything as an excuse to hit me. I instantly got up hoping not to be beaten today. Taking a quick shower I changed putting on skinny jeans and a sweat shirt.

Pause. Let's start over.

The name's Jade. I'm 15 I'll be 16 next week, and I'm a werewolf. I'm 5ft8 with brown hair and multicolored eyes. My wolf is silver she even has silver eyes. Her name's Safire. I get bullied for my eyes and because they all think that I didn't shift yet. I did shift, though it was early and no one but my mother knew, so I get hit for that by my dad, because he too thinks I have yet to shift.

Now that we're introduced, continue.

The moment I got downstairs I was greeted with a slap. "You're so fucking worthless! I thought I told you to make breakfast?!"

"You didn't tell me anything dad." He hit me on the head with his beer bottle. I staggered a bit before regaining my footing.

"Useless bitch..." He muttered walking away and grumbling other things to himself.

Looking down I saw blood dripping onto my top and I could feel it tickling down my head. Sighing I turned and made my way  back upstairs to change and clean up the blood. I chose to wear the first thing my eyes landed on which was a long sleeve off the shoulder top.

After cleaning up the blood I quickly ran downstairs, kidnapped an apple and bolted out the door since dad had knocked out on the couch.

Let's get this shitty day over with. Safire sighrd and I couldn't help but agree. As soon as I walked into the halls the name calling began.



"Slut!" And that one came from a slut herself. It always takes every fiber in my being not to kill these people. Worse yet when Safire goes into protective mode and it becomes challenging to not give her control less she wreak shit up. And trust me on this she will wreak a lot of shit in her rage which will also carry mine as well. Ignoring all their pettiness I went to first hour, Gym.

Time skip- Lunchtime

God I'm glad that's over! I hate maths why the hell do we need it!? I ranted to myself as I shoved my books in my locker. Once finished I walked off to the back of the school hoping to avoid the bitch Katelyn.

For once no one bothered me. I guess it's because they're hoping that one of them would be our soon to be alpha, Aron, mate. Not that I'm complaining it's been years since I've had it this peaceful. I'm relishing it.

After eating I was headed back to my locker when I caught an amazing scent. It was coconut and vanilla mixed with what smelled like cologne.

Mate! Go find him!!! Safire all but screamed at me. I held back a smile as I followed the intoxicating smell. Doing so made it become stronger and stronger.

As I turned to corner I bumped into none other than Aron and funny thing is... he's my mate. The intoxicating scent was coming off him in waves and it left my knees shaking. I instinctively wanted to cuddle and inhale his scent more. He was holding onto my waist to prevent me from falling, which sent sparks all over where his hand was.

This moment would have been nice... if his face wasn't one of disgust. Right then all I could do was pray he accepted me.

"Sorry." I told him acting as if I didn't know but he obviously didn't buy my act.

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now