Chapter 9

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Edited 25-08-2020


Jade pov

|~ Dream ~|

I was once again in the forest with mom. We were by a lake, the moonlight making us both glow. We just sat there on the shore in silence, enjoying each other's company.

"Take heed dear. You're uncle, Erik, will do anything  to get you on his side. Don't fall for his traps." She sighed sadly.

"I won't." My surroundings began to blur stating that I was waking up. Mom smiled stroking my hair.

"Be safe my darling, please."

"Of course, I'll do my best. Maybe I can get him from the dark side." She smiled sadness swimming in her eyes.

"Maybe..." And with one last kiss she faded away.

|~ Dream End ~|

I opened my eyes to darkness and a headache. Looking around I tried to make out anything I could but it was pitch black so, that wasn't happening. Sighing I slowly sat myself up rubbing my temples as it throbbed in pain.

How long was I asleep? I groaned again. Headaches sucks.

We counted. Three days. Empress notified me.

Ah shit! Three days!? I broke from my stunned thoughts at the sound of someone shifting to my left.

My head snapped in the direction trying to see in the dark as whoever tried moving slower, but I could hear them clearly.

"Who's there!?" My voice made them freeze in their tracks but no answer came. Clicking my tongue I moved closer to the person.

When my hand hit a body it dawned on me that this person was unconscious and only moving in their sleep. Not only that, they were freezing to the touch. Since I was still touching them I could tell the person was a he. And he has many bruises and open wounds, if the sticky substance on my hand has anything to say about it.

"Hey, are you okay?" I shook the boy a bit hoping for any response at all. Any noise he could make to signal he's alive would be nice.

A slight wind blew which allowed me to finally smell passed the blood to his scent. I blinked into the darkness. His scent, is rather familiar but I couldn't place it. Maybe if I could see his face that would put the pieces together but at the moment I'm relying on every other sense but sight.

We need to heal him. If he doesn't heal he'll die.. Diamond worried.

Trusting her I brought forth my angel side without fully shifting and began to heal the boy before me. Halfway through the process he began to groan and make noise bringing a smile to my face.

"Wh...what, what are you...?" He rasped out.

"Ssh.. don't talk. Your throat must be dry from not having any water. Stay still for me, I'm only healing you, you don't have to worry." I reassured him eyes blind but focused on the task at hand. He placed his hand on mime leaving it there as his body relaxed.

Once I was finished I let him go just to hear shifting and feel his hand finding mine again.  His chains rattled as he shifted around and arms went around me as a head rested on mine.

"Thank you..." he breathed finally free of pain. I smiled hugging back.

"Of course. I couldn't let you die." Something about this boy is familiar.

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now