Chapter 8 - Billy

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I walk over to a huge table full of drinks and food. Feeling a bit peckish I grab a mini cupcake; vanilla flavoured with pink icing and eatable tiny flowers on top. I remember about Luke’s coke and with both hands filled I attempt to pour the drink into the cup but because I wasn’t holding it properly, the cup falls with the soft-drink just pouring out helplessly.

‘No!’ I yelp as I grab a tissue to wipe the drink off the table quickly, hoping no one saw.

‘Here let me help,’ I hear a guy and thinking it was Luke or Jack I turn around and smile, happy that someone came to the rescue, but it was neither of them; it was someone I’ve never seen before; spiky black slick hair; dark mysterious eyes and pink lips like his wearing lip gloss or something.

He smiles not taking his eyes off me as he damps the soft-drink into a tissue. ‘I hear you’re new in town. You really are as pretty as they say.’

‘Ha-ha, thanks,’ I blush and look down hoping that he wouldn’t see it. He does and lets out a little laugh still gazing at me.

‘So where does this princess live?’ he asks now looking at the soaked tissue in his hand and throwing it in a small rubbish bin under the table.

I smile looking back up. ‘My name’s Remy, and right now I’m staying at a friend’s house.’ I shove the last bit of cup-cake into my mouth and hold his gaze.

‘Oh, okay,’ he nods eyeing me off as I lean on the wall behind me. ‘Nice dress.’

‘Thanks,’ I say now looking deep in his dark mysterious eyes; he was pretty tall making me look up just like Jack does,  but maybe just a tad shorter.

He takes a step closer about a meter away now, ‘so how long you stayin’ ‘ere for?’

‘I don’t know, it depends if my father finds me, or if I ever wanna go back,’ I look down starting to remember Nick and a wave of sadness takes over by the sound of his name.

He lifts up my chin gently, ‘It’s okay. Not like they own your life forever anyways,’ he lets me go as I smile sadly.

‘So, does this person have a name?’ I ask forgetting to ask for his name. ‘The name’s Billy, Billy Herold,’ he smiles, as I nod. ‘Having fun?’ he asks. I realised his smile never seemed to leave his face nor did his eyes leave mine.

‘Yeah, of course, a bit awkward having almost the whole town staring at me though. How ‘bout you?’ I ask looking away only to find Luke staring at me and Billy, eyes wide open in shock, mouth an O – it was as if he saw something scary and shocking he didn’t know what to do. Luke shakes his head in warning but I just shrug my shoulders.

‘Meh, it’s a’right.’ Billy says all of a sudden, his voice dragging my eyes back to him.

The music starts to get louder and the men and women start to come closer, at least that’s how it felt anyway. ‘Say – you wanna go somewhere where it isn’t so crowded?’ he asks as if he just read my mind.

‘I don’t know, I promised Jack I wouldn’t go too far.’

I don’t think he heard what I said because he grabs my hand and starts to walk off fast, real fast before I even got to “promised”. Past the festival and past where I knew I was supposed to go. I barely know him and was a bit scared; not sure where he was going to take me

‘Are you sure you know where you’re going?’ I ask, merely keeping out the fear in my voice.

‘Yes, I’m sure, don’t worry,’ he assures me softening his voice a little.  Well I guess this is his town, I remind myself trying to calm down.

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