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(A/N: Just to remind everyone, this story takes place between Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron. Any reviews, revisions, comments, or suggestions are greatly appreciated :) )

    You follow Steve through the entrance of the building to your left, taking the first flight of stairs that you see to the roof where the Quinn jet is just touching down. Steve jumps into the pilot seat and you climb into the back. Even with your extensive combat training from Hydra, they never taught you how to fly or drive. All the easier to keep you captive, you guess.

    With Jarvis at the controls, the jet takes you over the buildings towards the other side of the city. Within minutes, the bank is in view. The street has been blocked off to pedestrians and traffic and there is a semicircle of squadron cars around the entrance. A mobile, armored control center has been parked to the side just outside the semicircle. As Steve sets the jet down at one end of the street, a familiar red figure bursts through the doors of the bank and begins wreaking havoc. In the furthermost back corner of your mind, Back in Black starts to play.

    "Oh no," you grumble.

    You vault out of the jet with Steve only a second behind you and run towards Tony as he turns his repulsors against that people that he had come to help. He must be under the control of the man inside, but why? He hadn't sent any police to attack their comrades, so why send Tony? You abandon your thoughts and focus on the problem at hand as a car explodes outside the bank.

    "Tony, snap out of it!", you yell as you continue towards him. He blatantly ignores you. You try to get through the squad cars to engage him, but another one explodes throwing you back to where Steve is standing.

    "Hey, Tin Man!", Steve bellows as his shield whizzes overhead , rebounds off Tony, and returns to his outstretched hand. Tony whips around and sends a blast at Steve, which is reflected by his shield, and takes off toward you. You scramble to your feet and are able to send a supersonic scream at him, making sure that the police officers and Steve don't get caught in the crossfire, before he lands. Tony clutches his head as he touches down, falling to one knee.

    "He's not going to stop unless we knock him out," Steve sighs with resignation as Tony attempts to rise.

    You nod and are on him in seconds. Steve grabs Tony's arms, wrenching them behind his back as you grip his helmet and vibrate it until it falls to pieces. Within seconds, it's gone, revealing the unfocused, slack face of your friend. One well-placed punch knocks him unconscious, allowing Steve to sling him over his shoulder and carry him into the Quinn jet.

    You approach the nearest policeman, "Is everyone alright, sir?"

    He nods. "Thanks to you and the Captain, no one was seriously injured. We probably owe you at least a few of our lives." By now, a few other officers have gathered, offering their thanks. It's moments like this that make all of the hard work and stress that comes with having powers worth it. Of course, the lives that they "owe you" don't come anywhere close to the lives that you've taken by force, and they never will, but maybe you can make up for at least a few of the deaths that you've caused by the end of your life.

    You're usual, slightly morbid thoughts are interrupted by Steve as he appears at your side.

    "I hate to cut your thanks short, gentlemen, but could you point us towards whoever is running operations here?"

    The officer you first spoke with points to a woman approaching you from the direction of the control center. Her long, blond hair is pulled up in a strict bun, revealing a beautiful face dominated by serious eyes that seen to strip you down to your very soul, even from a distance. You're first impression is that Nat would like this woman. They seem alike: beautiful, yet absolutely terrifying.

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