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(A/N: Sorry that it's taken so long to upload this. High school got in the way and I used to not have a way to write on the weekends, but now I do, so I might actually be able to update this on a regular basis. Also, this story takes place between Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron. Hope you guys enjoy :D)

You burst through the doors at the end of the hall, right into a scene of pure chaos. The Avengers are fighting in the main loading dock where the base unloads supplies of weapons and ammo. The room has a very high ceiling and is big enough to accommodate a large scale fight, but the walls are still taking a heavy beating. If this doesn't stop soon, the whole room could come down on your heads.

Ducking to avoid a screaming guard as he flies over you, you immediately join the fray. You go after Thor first, as his lightning seems, to be doing the most damage to both the security force and the building. You send a supersonic scream at him, then a few lasers, but he easily deflects the lasers and is only mildly fazed by your cry.

Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the other Avengers flinch and glance towards Thor, but are soon occupied once more with their own battles. The guards are not fazed by your scream, as they have all been given special earplugs to protect against it.

Thor's counterattack comes quickly. He raises his hammer, preparing to strike you with lightning, but you immediately make yourself invisible. He stands there, confused by your sudden disappearance.

Slowly, you start making your way around towards his back, intending to surprise him, but you are interrupted by a blast from Iron Man.

"Tricks like that won't work on my scanners, babe!", he yells before knocking over Hydra agents like bowling pins.

Lasers don't phase you as much as other people, so you are only knocked down instead of being flung across the room. Despite being less fatal, it still breaks your concentration and Thor is able to knock your now visible body into the wall with a bolt of lightning.

"Ow, that really freaking..." Wait. You can talk. You were actually speaking and talking with your own voice. Thor, who had been advancing towards you, stops and watches you warily as he notices the look of amazement on your face.

Realizing your opportunity, you yell out, "They were controlling me! I don't know when the chip will kick in again, but you have to kill me! If you don't, I won't be able to stop and..." The chip takes control again and Thor gets ready to attack you, wiping the surprised look off of his face. You push off the wall and fly at Thor, only to be intercepted by a shield to the head from Captain America. You stagger to your feet, marveling at how much more powerful these people are than the normal people that you are usually tasked with fighting.

Good, you think, they won't be as easy to defeat.

Looking around, you see the Hulk dispatching the remainder of the guards. The rest of the Avengers have formed a circle around you, watching you carefully. You slowly turn and you can feel the chip weighing the options.

"Who is she? Another Hydra agent?", Captain America asks.

"Yeah, with upgrades," Iron Man answers, "I saw her disappear into thin air in the middle of the fight, had to use my scanners to find her. She was manipulating the light."

"A mutant," Hawkeye hypothesizes, "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's take her down before-"

Thor interrupts him with a shake of his head, earning confused looks from his comrades. "She might not mean us any real harm, my friends. She declared that she was being controlled. Do not harm her, but be very cautious and-"

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