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    You wake up, grab some clothes out of the nightstand, and change in the bathroom. When you walk back into the room, you're surprised to see Natasha sitting on your bed.

    "Oh, hey, I didn't hear you come in."

    She grins, "Good. Ready to begin your tour?'


    You follow her down the path that Butterfingers took yesterday and arrive at the kitchen, which is attached to the dining room.

    "This is where we eat. Feel free to get something anytime you're hungry. We don't have many sit-down meals, due to the fact that at we're always being called out on missions. Of course, we'll have to work out a schedule where one of us stays behind so that someone is always here with you. Tony is convinced that you're going to sabotage his lab somehow." She sighs in exasperation.

    "Sorry," you mumble.

    "No, it's not your fault. Tony's never been incredibly trusting. He once had Jarvis monitor Clint for an entire week just because Clint painted a red, white, and blue dick on one of his robots, then tried to blame it on Steve."

    You can't help but laugh, "Aren't you people supposed to be professionals?"

    "Well, we were, but then this team happened, and it was all downhill from there."

    You walk down the hall to an elevator, which takes you a few floors down. Nat leads you out, down the hall, and into a room with a high ceiling and more large windows, which fill the room with natural light. There's workout equipment along three of the walls and the rest of the room is taken up by wrestling mats.

    In the middle of the room, Captain Rogers and Clint are sparring without their weapons. They move so quickly that they're practically a blur. After a few minutes, Clint finally makes a mistake and in a fraction of a second, Rogers has him pinned.

   Nat starts clapping and you hesitantly join in. The two fighters look over in surprise. They had been so focused that they hadn't even heard you come in.

    "Jeez, Clint, you must be losing your edge. You do realize that you just lost to a 90-something-year-old, right?"

    You stare at Nat, a bit shocked that she would say something like that to a fellow superhero.

    You're even more surprised when Clint responds with, "I've certainly knocked you on your ass enough times, Nat. What do you say?", he springs up unto a fighting position, his fists raised, "Wanna go a few rounds?"

    "Sorry, no can do. Actually," she turns towards you, "I wanted to try and assess ______'s skill."

    You look at her in surprise.


    "Yeah, you seemed pretty acrobatic during our battle, so you must have some hand-to-hand training in addition to your powers."

    "They uploaded some programs to the chip, which taught me how to fight, among other... things." You had always found it disconcerting when you would wake up in the morning and suddenly know a new method of killing or torture that you hadn't known when you fell asleep.

    They seem to understand and don't ask what those things were.

    "Well, let's get started, then."

    Clint and Rogers exit the mats and sit on a bench by the door to watch, while Nat kicks off her shoes and the two of you get into your positions.

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