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You wake up on a cold metal table, staring up into a harsh, surprisingly bright light. Your arms, legs, and chest are strapped down, effectively immobilizing you. Looking down, you see that your clothes are gone, replaced by a hospital gown. Where are your clothes? Where's your mother's picture?

You struggle against your bonds, confused as to when and how you got there. Weren't you just in our alley? Then you remember.


You strain even harder, desperate to escape the table and the fate it entails. You'll be experimented on and tortured and every day will be a struggle to survive their tests.

But it isn't just that. You know that if they have you, there's a good chance that they want to turn you into a weapon. You don't want to harm anyone. You don't want to kill anyone. You don't want to take away anyone else's family. Knowing how lonely you feel, you can only imagine how someone else feels when they actually knew their parents, had actually experienced what having a family feels like.

After struggling a bit more, all you gain is a sense of defeat and some nasty abrasions on your wrists. You finally take the time to look around the room and take in your surroundings. The table that you're strapped to is in the middle of a medium-sized room. Along one wall is a large mirror, which you assume is two-way. They're probably laughing at you right now.

Aside from your table, the mirror, and a door across from it, the room is bare except for a tray of sharp implements and empty syringes in the corner and some machinery along the wall behind your head. This must be either an operating room or a torture room. Great.

You smile a bit, happy that you at least still have your wit.

The door opens and a man in a lab coat walks in. He has short, brown hair and a beak-like nos. His pupils seem to take up his entire eyes and you cannot distinguish them from his irises. The effect of that combined with his nose is positively terrifying. He seems to barely even be human.

"Hello, _____. My name is Dr. Hollow. I'll be taking care of you."

"How do you know my name?"

"We've been monitoring you for quite some time. Would you like to know why?" You nod as best you can. "Well, we believe that you could help me and my organization."

"By 'your organization', you mean Hydra, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"And how could I possibly help you?" You know that you can't escape, so you might as well find out what exactly it is that they want with you.

Dr. Hollow begins pacing around the room, checking your restraints and preparing equipment. "A few years ago, Hydra began experimenting with a certain gene. You may have heard of it. It's called the x-gene." Your eyes widen. "Ah, so you have heard of it. We started a program called Project Evolve, the purpose of which is to create a mutant soldier that could rival the mightiest Avenger. That soldier could, eventually, be you."

"What makes you think that I'll cooperate?" You refuse to show any fear. Not to this man.

"Oh, you will. We have out methods. Anyways, you may be wondering why, out of all the people in the world, we picked you. We certainly had more... compliant choices."

"You could say that."

"When we started Project Evolve, we developed a machine that could detect the x-gene. Unfortunately, this device only works if the person harboring the gene is less than 50 meters away from it. On one of our regular sweeps of the city, we finally found what we were looking for: someone who contains the gene, but would not be missed if we were to take them. We don't need any unwanted attention from authorities. The person that we found was you."

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