chapter 2

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It took Daisy 5 days to get to Yorkshire she pulled over to a nearby inn which looked medieval with a tiled roof white walls in an enclosed space knowing that her so-called family will be staying at the lodge where the reading of the will will take place. Daisy called her old friend who lives near here " Hello Emma I just pulled in to your families inn do you mind if I stay for a bit Emma? " Daisy asked. " Of course you can Daisy you know my mom loves you I'm sorry for your loss Daisy I know how close you were to Sam. Don't worry about it, you know you're welcome any time, I'll leave you to it Daisy it's getting late, good night " said Emma. Night Emma"she replied then she hung up and went to bed.

The next day it was time for the will reading, Daisy made her way to the Tree Plane Lodge. Daisy walked up to the lady behind the front desk " Hello I'm here for the reading of my uncle Sam Peterson could you tell me which room it is? " She asked her " it's room 121 miss" said the woman behind the desk but when Daisy was about to walk that way she heard someone talking about her uncle Sam's farm " Did you hear that his family is coming? '' Said one person. " Yes even the one who was kicked out of the family yeah and they paid £ 60 quid to the lady at the front desk to tell her the wrong room, even if she does find out - by that point the reading of the will - will be all over" said the other person. " But where is the room she is going to? And how sure are they that she won't make it to the reading? Ask one of them. " She is going to room 121 and as soon as she walks into the room someone will lock her in it to answer your question". The reading is in the conference room 2" said one of the others. Daisy quickly made her way to the conference room to get there in time and avoid the people her family paid off. After a couple of minutes Daisy made it to a big wooden door and entered the conference room. There was a large oak table with oak chairs and fish tanks around the room. 

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