chapter 5

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The next day Daisy Emma and her mother Nina went back into town to get some supplies to start rebuilding the old farm house when they see smoke coming from the inn Daisy quickly phoned the fire fighters to get here in a hurry old Mockingbird lane she told them to hurry before the fire spreads. After a couple of minutes the fire fighters finally arrive after a short while they douse the flames - but it was too late the inn was destroyed. Once the fire fighters took everybody's statements of what had happened before there got here. Then they drive off. But after a few moments there was suddenly a red car a blight red Ferrari with tinted black windows and silver wheels with the Ferrari logo. Pulled over by the side of the road but just then a woman got out- It was Kate she came over to them with a smug look on her face " Oh what happened here to your little inn Nina?" Kate asked with fake concern in her voice " Oh don't worry we had a little fire nothing to worry or concern yourself with Kate our insurance will cover it" said Nina. " Hum well I hate to see you have to go through such a long tiring time, with no roof over you or your daughter head, now for old times sake I'm willing to buy what's left of your land it will be of course slightly less of what we first offered you of course, now what do you say Nina?" Kate asked with a smug smile on her face clearly thinking that she holds all the cards here. " No I won't hand over what's left of my land or the inn, you might as well leave now Kate, there's nothing here for you anyway " said Nina. Then Kate drove off in a hump knowing she won't be getting anything from them. 

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