chapter 4

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After a short time of driving 50 miles per hour, Daisy started to slow down knowing that no one was following them, after a couple of moments Daisy pulled onto the road up to the old farmhouse. The land and outbuildings looked like they were nearly all destroyed but when they all got to the old farmhouse, the place was fully ransacked, the door was hanging off its hinges, the floorboards were missing in places and the further you go in the worst it becomes, and the furniture was destroyed. Daisy knew that it was a warning from her family.

" I know you have some questions about what's going on here? '' Said Daisy " yes we were wondering that? And why would this place be in ruins when Sam only died here a few nights ago? '' Asks Emma's mom" James threatened me at the will reading when the family found out that I got all the land and the farm. And to answer your question I didn't want to see you get hurt because of me, we all know what they are like Daisy, they have been threatening us too. We don't know why but they've been breaking our windows for a few months when we refused to sell the land our inn sits on. What's ever going on with your family Daisy there willing to do everything to get it, " Emma said to Daisy just then there was a loud bang!! Like a car engine backfiring Daisy Emma and her mother rushed outside to see what was going on out there but when they did they saw this black Jaguar with black tinted windows and silver wheels. They all could tell that it belonged to the family but after a moment it sped off fast! Emma and her mother knew it was getting bad and agreed to stay here at least for now, that is.

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