❁Chapter 21❁

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Despite begging his heart out, Florian couldn't stop Feather from going into the battle.

He had already told her about the wolf's bane, but Feather still insisted on fighting.

She won't let anything stop her from winning what's hers, or prove her worth. She just can't let anything pull her back.

So, she forced herself to pull away from her wailing mate and detached them with one last kiss on his forehead before she went to prepare for the fight.

Which brings them here, in the middle of the circle, Feather in her sportswear and Janson in boxers only.

Everyone surrounds the pair and most of the eyes are filled with fear and anticipation.

They can't see, or even imagine a better future without their Alpha Arya.

Feather needs to win for them. It scares them to even think otherwise.

The first round will be hand to hand combat, then second round in wolf form, and the last and final round will be swordsmanship.

Third round depends on who wins the first two ones. If Feather manages to defeat Janson in both, there wouldn't be any third round.

Florian has his fingers crossed and heart agitated as he finds himself between Juliene and Grant.

"She's strong, Florian. She's gonna get through it." Juliene whispers to him but he can clearly detect the nerve seeping through her words.

"She has to." He mumbles more to himself than anyone else.

Many members from other packs have also gathered here to witness the fight of the history. Creating almost a vibe of war.

"By the grace of the Moon Goddess, let the battle begin!" The referee exclaims in a loud, booming tone and everyone falls quiet.

Florian has one fist over his chest and another arm holding onto his forearm, digging his nails there to keep himself sane.

From the middle of the rink, Feather's eyes land on his and she smiles softly at him.

"I love you, baby. I'll be back to you soon."

Florian swallows, clenching his fist tight and barely holding onto the tears from escaping.

"I love you more than life."

His reply brings out a smirk on the Alpha's face.

She doesn't get to respond further as another howl echoes and they get on their stance to start the fight.

Janson's yellow eyes flash and a nasty smirk rests on his lips, Feather returns the determination and they lunge at each other.

For the first ten minutes, Feather gracefully dodges every throw at her, and even manages to return some of it to his opponent.

But on the second ten minutes, she recevies a lot and every hit makes Florian whimper as he can feel it all.

"I'm sorry, my love." Feather apologizes through her fight and it makes Florian's heart cry more.

She shouldn't pay attention to him while her own life is at stake.

But how could she not care about her mate? When she can hear and feel every whimper and cry of heart of her loved one? It pierces her insides that she's the reason causing her mate pain.

This boosts Feather's energy and she puts her all in bringing Janson down, winning the first round.

Florian feels one of the many weights being lifted off his chest as the referee announces her win. He hugs Juliene and they share smiles.

The next round begins after they shift. Janson's wolf is almost as big as Feather's.

A dark brown one, with yellow eyes.

But Feather's wolf still looks menace and ready to rip out anything that may come in her view.

A howl of indication, and they pounce at each other. Feather digs her canines right at his neck at the first pounce and brings out a chunk, Janson howls in pain as blood seeps through his brownish fur.

He growls and throws himself at Feather with full force, his sharp canines go deep in Feather's chest and Florian bites his lip hard to stop himself from crying out as the pain makes his head spin.

Juliene holds his hand tight, keeping her composure straight while watching the scene take place with her breath held in.

The whole crowd seems to have their breaths held in, eyes glazing with fear.

"Come on, Feather. Come on. Please."

Florian begs desperately.

He looks up at the sky and pleas to the Goddess to relieve his mate of this pain and give her back to him.

Earth shaking growl ripples out of the dark wolf of Feather as she pushes the beast off of her and gashes at his face, making his eye bleed and suddenly the referee indicates that the fight must stop.

Every pair of eyes turn to each other in puzzlement, Florian rubbing over his chest to calm himself down.

It takes all his will power to not dash right in the middle of the rink to bury himself in his lover's arms.

"Shift." Referee Dean declares and they do, fetching their clothes from earlier.

"Direct hit to the eye or face is not permissable. There on, I declare this round canceled and prepare for the third round."

That's fucking stupid considering they're gonna have to kill the other to win eventually, Feather grumbles.

Florian feels his heart drop in his stomach and shatter in pieces. He was hoping that the fight didn't go to that point, but now- everything seems bleak.

The announcement once again shifts the mates' eyes to lock and Feather gives him a weak assuring smile. As if to say 'it's okay' but both of them know it's not okay.

No matter how confident and capable Feather is, she can't shake off the knowledge that the opponent's sword might be coated in wolf's bane, and the fact that she can die in the next few minutes.

She locks eyes with her mate one more time, her eyes flashing red to let Florian know both her and her wolf are present.

"I love you the most. You're everything to me. You know that, right?"

Florian stifles a sob from wracking out of him as he manages to smile at her, tears freely flowing down his cheeks.

"I love you more. Just come back to me."

To this, Feather doesn't respond but flies him a kiss and Florian catches it with his hand, keeping the fist pressed to his lips.

Everyone eyes their heartfelt interaction with teary eyes, their hearts warming at the showcase of love their Alpha and Aleph share.

One of the men puts up the wooden boxes on the side, and both Janson and Feather bring out their swords.

It doesn't go unnoticed when Janson shares a glance with Damia, and his other supporters. Feather exhales a large puff of air and readies herself.

She glances at her sister, Sam, Grant, then finally at Florian before looking up at the sky to share a known conversation with the Goddess.

Referee Dean blows on the whistle and the final round begins, the round that'd finalize the destiny of the pair, and the future of their whole territory.


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