❁Chapter 17❁

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Feather takes long strides towards the meeting room. Her face void of any emotion, but her insides are filled with rage.

"Juliene. Sam." She acknowledges the two present in the room, who bow in response. "What's the report?"

She takes her seat at the end of the table, her laptop with the new email open on it.

Her scrutinizing eyes read the mail and her blood boils. Hands clenching the handle of the chair tightly, knuckles turning white.

"Janson wants to challenge you, Feather."

Though Juliene's speaking softly, a worrisom whisk lingers in her tone.

"How many are on his side?"

"3 of the other Alphas. If one more joins him, it'd be a tie. And you'd have to fight for your title as the Alpha Queen."

It stings.

She clenches her jaw and eyes haze over as her wolf fights for control, not being able to digest the disobedience.

"Which ones are on his side?"

"Damia, Lauren and Ryan."

It hurts her to learn that her fellow female Alphas are plotting against her.

If not for all of her subjects being loyal, she at least believed in women power.

It seems individual power is everything after all. Janson must have promised them something, something he'd obviously not fullfil when the time comes.

But no matter what she explains now, they won't listen to her and see her as their adversary.

She sighs.

"Janson wants you to prepare mentally. He believes another Alpha will soon join him. It seems he's bribing them with fake positions."

Feather growls, she could feel her canines growing and eyes shifting.

She abruptly stands up, causing the chair to fall backwards.

She doesn't let them stop her as she leaves the room and speed runs out of the house.

Jumping over the fence, she shifts in the middle of the air and lets her wolf take her wherever she wants.


Florian shifts uneasily on the couch, in their room, where he is working on an assignment.

He feels his heart thudding unevenly, as if in distress, his mind grows wary and eyes drift between colors. His wolf is on edge as well.

But why?

He's relaxing and thinking of a dish to prepare as his assignment, he's not stressed or anxious.

Suddenly it clicks.


It must be her. At the realization, his wolf whines and pushes forward, wanting to be close to their mate to soothe down her racing anxiety.

Florian puts the notebook aside and rushes out of the room, a weird tenseness brewing in his stomach as he roams around the mansion in search of his mate.

Against his help, Feather's scent looms all around the house so it's harder to specify where she could be.

As his frantic feet take him place to place in search of his beloved, he bumps into the tall figure of Sam, the Gamma.

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