Ch.4.4 The big step

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The big step

Theo's pov

It's been 3 months since we told my friends about us. My gosh, there's been a lot going on lately. To my grand happiness Nathan and I are still going strong!

Anyhow, we eventually had to tell my mom and my sister about us. We were so nervous about telling them but seeing that my friends eventually supported my decision I hoped they would too.

Sure I didn't get the reactions I wanted but that's okay. My mom was dumbfounded. She didn't support us at first.

She eventually accepted that we are together and that our relationship won't end soon but she has been testing Nathan. She's been trying to see if he is a boyfriend material. He'll never be perfect and I know that.

Regardless, my mom has tested Nathan in any way possible.

She did it because she didn't fully believe that he was treating me right and especially not being responsible. She thought it was all an act.

I can't blame her, she had to see her only son get his heart broken and be forced to raise a kid all alone without support coming from him.

She made sure to tell us that she wasn't too sure about us expecting again especially not this soon. She was a bit more understanding once she learned the full truth. Not too surprising to say she forced the truth out of me.

I think she was disappointed that we didn't use protection than us expecting a child.
She literally gave us a whole lecture about using protection like we were teenagers again.

Luckily Nathan was able to prove he was worthy of the role as my boyfriend and enough of a responsible man for me. He really has grown from the guy he used to be at 17.

Unfortunately, it's not all rainbows with my mom and Nathan but I like to think it's getting there. He says that he's slowly starting to get along with her. I'm glad this is the case. We need at least one parent to support us.

While she tolerates us, well, it seems like my sister didn't take it well. She mostly took this news as me being a disappointment. A disappointment she says? I can't believe she really told me that.

I knew she wasn't the greatest when it came to Moonlight but she's now stating how much she doesn't accept what kind of life I'm living.

I think what's worse is that not even a week later she announced she was moving to Australia.

I knew she had a boyfriend but I didn't think her boyfriend was from Australia. Keeping my new life a secret from them for a bit maybe wasn't the best decision in her mind.

My new life might not be something she likes but she equally did the same thing by not telling me about her boyfriend. She has a new life like me and she didn't care to tell me. That's what hurts the most, so in a way, I get the pain I made her go through years ago.

Still, I like to think it's not my fault she decided to leave like that but I know that deep down it didn't help.

I always loved my sister and supported her but the new life I've chosen with Nathan versus what she was about to do was definitely not the same thing. Leaving us for Australia and probably never visiting us again? Obviously, I didn't support that idea.

Nathan encouraged me to stand up to her.
Apparently, I had to tell her what I think about all of this.

It hurts that she decided to betray all of us like that. Regardless of what I think, if she wants to live a life on the opposite side of the world that's her problem. If that is what makes her happy then so be it.

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