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Nathan's pov

Theo Kerlerg, the guy I hate the most. We hate each other since we were 8 years old. I still remember the first day I met him. He was the new guy at our school. I remember that all my classmates found that odd at first but when they saw him for the first time they instantly all loved him.

The teacher brought him into the class to introduce himself. He showed up with his perfect smile, perfect hair, clothes and everything I didn't have.

If I remember well, he was kind and cute. He was also a small light brown-haired and browned eyes, little boy.

He became friends with basically everyone rather quickly except me but he was also shy that I remember. People just gathered around him too. You may ask why didn't he become friends with him.

Back then, I was what we called the popular kid. I was friends with basically everyone, I'm pretty sure everyone liked me, even the ones that rarely talked, liked me. I liked being popular but Theo came in and ruined it for me. I was pissed off about it.

I remember the next day at recess he came towards me and asked me why I didn't talk to him. He noticed that I was the only one that didn't hang out with him. He told me.

"Nathan, why are you all alone?'' Do you know what I told him in return?

"Because all my friends ditched me for you.'' I'm pretty sure I hurt his feelings at that point, maybe he wasn't so perfect?

"I'm sorry for making you sad, you can have all your friends back..'' Yeah, he was way too cute even if I was angry at him. And me being an 8 years old child not having any manners told him this.

"Oh, I'm not sad, my friends can continue being friends with you since they clearly do not realize that you are a weak crybaby." Yeah, he was crying and it was perfect too. Obviously, I never told him that because I was mad at him.

''Whah!! You are such a meanie!!!'' I don't know what came over me but I hit him.

I wanted to do more but the teachers noticed. In the end, I got yelled at by my parents but that was about it. We were young and as they used to tell me, we were boys. Boys do that all the time. Regardless, that's how it all started.

Since that day, I kept being mean to him every time he talked to me because the guy kept trying to become friends with me for who knows why? If I was him, I wouldn't even have dared to talk to me. I thought I had made it clear enough that I hate him.

Finally, after a few months of pushing off, he started to understand that I didn't want to be friends. On the other hand, my friends stopped being friends with me since they were friends with him. I basically lost everything let's say.

He was good at everything, whether it was arts, sports or academics. He was the new popular guy. I don't know how but he never realized what it meant to be popular.

He naturally had people become friends with him and love him without doing anything. He was oblivious, innocent and way too perfect to the point that it irritated me.

While he had all that, I was left all alone all the time. No one wanted to talk to me. They saw me as a bully. It irritated me a lot but I got used to not having any friends. I just got used to pissing off others as if they were my friends. It never worked because they all took Theo's side and liked him.

After he left alone, I couldn't just ignore him, no, as the rebellious kid that I was, I chose to continue being mean to him and piss him off too. I had to make sure he knew the consequences of ruining things for me.

So, surprisingly or not so surprising, still to this day, we are enemies. Sure, as the years went by, I did things that made him hate me more and he did things to make me hate him more but there's a problem.

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