Sugary Sweet

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A/N: requested by r-reputation-n and I'm sorry for how short it is!!

"You should order that one."

"Nina, that one doesn't even have caffeine in it does it?"

"No my dearest Brekker, it has something better, it has sugar."

"I'll just have a blueberry scone and the regular, iced please." Matthias said quietly to the poor barista. The barista knew the Fjerdan man would hand the scone to the beautiful woman later but ordered it any way.

"I don't think caffeine is a good idea for you Jes..." Wylan eyed the sharpshooter warily as he read off the menu for the small redhead.

"Actually it calms me down. Miss? Yeah can I get a quad espresso? Yes, that's all I want. Yes, I'm sure. A little cream please. Awesome."

Wylan eyed Jesper but ultimately got himself a caramel macchiato. A little extra drizzle on top, the Crows had ordered here so many times that the barista knew how they all liked their coffees. Even if Ms.Zenik never ordered coffee, she liked the strawberry milk teas.

Inej ended up ordering a vanilla chai latte. Kaz ordered the darkest coffee possible, with a single sugar.

The barista gave Dirtyhands a knowing look and simply moved away from the register to make the coffees, Kaz knew it was pointless to try and pay but snuck Kruge into the register any way.

The small group found a nice booth and settled in, Kaz and Inej waited by the counter for everyone's orders. Well, Inej grabbed the cardboard tray to get their orders, and Kaz followed her for company even if he SHOULD be sitting down. His leg was manageable today, today was a good day.

When everyone was settled, and cups were switched and given to their proper owners, a lull of conversation started back up.

Nina shook the ice in her milk tea. "I will get you to try the Frappuccino one day Kazzie dearest."

"Nina darling, you can try."

This was their usual banter. The nicknames were all a part of some game they played, just to tick each other off with kindness. The witch simply rolled her eyes and licked the glaze from her scone off her fingers.

Everyone laughed at a joke Jesper attempted, but really they were laughing at Matthias's obvious confusion at the punchline.

While the group was distracted, they didn't see Kaz gently switch his and Inej's drinks.

If they were paying attention they'd notice neither of them had even taken a sip yet, purposefully. Brekker had a dangerous sweet tooth after all.

They'd also notice the small cake-pop Inej twirled between her delicate fingers. A favorite of the Wraiths, so the barista always made birthday cake with purple chocolate coatings.

The barista knew that none of them had ever actually paid for their coffees.

The barista had a promise to keep to Dirtyhands. Whether the gang boss remembers or not was Mr.Brekker's own problem, but the little small business owner remembered two small farm boys so long ago. They had ordered hot chocolate back then, savoring every sweet sip of those small cups.

So Dirtyhands had never once paid for coffee, or a meal. And neither would his crows.

The barista just smiled, it was good to see that little farm boy come back sometimes. Even when it was only with those five other thieves around.

A/N: so sorry this is so short but I didn't have a lot of ideas for this one other than their orders. Any new requests?? Any...? I swear I'll do basically whatever y'all want. Just lmk!!

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