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Summary: based on a post I saw where Kaz is completely sleep deprived and accidentally calls Colm "Da" so here's my take on it.

Kaz's POV
Kaz Brekker swooped into the Van Eck mansion last night. Picking the back door was harder when his hands wouldn't. Stop. Shaking.

He didn't drop the lock pick of course. Saints no he would never do that out in the open like this.

Instead, he picked the lock as quickly at possible. When he finally got inside, he found Wylan and Jes laughing at the dinner table.

And Colm Fahey was with them.

Saints this was gonna be harder than he thought.

Two cups of the highest caffeine coffee an hour could only keep him awake for so long. I mean five days without sleep wasn't that bad right?

His hands wouldn't stop shaking and the world tilted at times.

Kaz didn't want to look in a mirror.

If he didn't he might've seen something worse than the ghosts he saw out of the corner of his eyes.

It wasn't just Jordie that haunted him, it was every one. It was Filip's ghost. It was his Ma and Da's. Everybody he'd ever seen in his nightmares.

Sometimes he saw Jes, bloated and lifeless. Other times it was Inej, her skin lost its luster to the pale wax of death. At The least rare times, he saw all the crows, sprawled around him and all gurgling accusations of their deaths.

Seeing Colm was the least of his worries tonight.

They weren't even at the formal dining table, Wylan never used that unless Inej came over. Jes, Wylan, and Colm were sitting in the living room chatting away.

Kaz instead shuffled papers out of his coat pockets onto the table, he pulled out a pen and started the basically mindless calculations. The Crow Club numbers were due in the next two days, and Kaz was known for his punctuality. Kaz Brekker was never on time because he lived on his own time.

And his sleep schedule was subject to that timeframe.

Maybe Jes had come in to greet him, maybe Wylan was the one who refilled the coffee cup that hadn't been there a few minutes ago. Minutes? Minutes or hours?

Kaz didn't know any more.

And he just needed to-

To what?

Oh. Yes, finish-

Jesper's POV
Kaz showed up last night.

What time, the sharpshooter couldn't tell you. One minute, he was catching Da up on the latest Ketterdam news, and the next he heard some oddly raspy swearing from the formal dining room.

"Kaz?" Wylan called through the house.

Da looked towards the dining room over his chair. "Oh, is your friend here?"

An unfamiliar string of swears answered the farmer's question.

"Did he just-"

"Swear?" Wylan answered with a sigh. "Yes, Kaz does that often. But do either of you recognize what language that was?"

Wylan's soft face was twisted in adorable confusion. Saints if I could stare at his face all day-

"Jes, jesperrrrrr?" Wylan waved a hand infront of Jesper's eyes and the sharpshooter snapped out of his daze.

"Come on, we should be getting to bed anyways." Wylan helped his boyfriend up. Colm followed them, ready to go upstairs and retire for the night.

Instead, they all migrated towards the dining room. Papers were sprawled this way and that. Kaz was at the head of the table, his oddly unruly hair bent over a document littered with neat lines of numbers.

"Hey Kaz! You doin okay?" Jesper tried to keep his tone light but saints above Kaz looked horrible. Worse than usual.

Kaz muttered something in another language it seemed, and kept his head over the papers, not acknowledging any of them.

Colm tilted his head curiously. Wylan, with a sigh, refilled Kaz's coffee cup, and in that foreign language he muttered something like a thanks.

As they were all walking up the stairs, Colm turned and said to his son:

"I didn't know your friend spoke Lijan."

Jesper just shrugged. "I didn't either."

"He has some...colorful language." Colm replied with a shudder.

*time skip to in the morning brought to you by my obsession over the new shadow and bone season I CANT WAIT- anywayz*

Third Person POV
Kaz woke up on the dining room table. He was startled awake, the bloated flesh of another nightmare sticking to his subconscious like the peeled skin of Jordie that day. Saltwater lingered in his mouth.

He looked around, blinking to assess his surroundings.

This wasn't the crow club. Or the slat. Where was he-?

Oh. The smell of bacon and fresh waffles rang in his mind like a farmhouse wake-up bell, he was at Wylan's.

He was safe.

Kaz tried to steady his breathing, calm his erratic heart. He stretched his limbs, popping his thin joints easily. Brekker didn't dare stretch his bad leg, it was already throbbing from his jarring awakening.

He just hobbled himself up, grabbing his cane and not even bothering to straighten all the papers he was working on last night.

He needed coffee. And he could smell it already brewing. Kaz had become a bloodhound to the glorious concoction by now, his nose dialed in to the different brews and such.

This was two different pots going, one light (probably for Wylan) and one dark. Very dark.

No body here drank that dark of coffee.

Had Wylan thought of him?

Impossible. Nobody cared about Kaz Brekker. Especially not the crows.

Well, that's what he'd like to think.

So, the Barrel Boss hobbled into the kitchen. His brain still half-frazzled from his nightmares and his still sleep-deprived brain. No matter how much he needed sleep, his mind was still on a farmer's schedule.

Rise at dawn and fall whenever the work was done.

Kaz's gait was more uneven than usual, and he knew that.

"Mornin' " a cheery and warm voice chimed from the kitchen counter.

"Mornin' Da," Kaz replied on instinct. Maybe he'd said it in Kerch, maybe he'd said it in Lijan. Either way His accent filled his voice like sunbeams through oak leaves. He blinked away the sleep a little more as Wylan poured some of the liquid caffeine into Kaz's favorite cup. He snatched it, and made his was back to the formal dining room.

And then a record scratched in his mind.

He wasn't home.
His Da was dead and buried back in a small meadow in Lij.

He was at Wylan's.
He was at Wylan's.

Who the hell did he just call Da?

Kaz Brekker slowly turned, and saw an absolutely BEAMING Colm Fahey.

Wylan was staring, eyes wide at the Barrel Boss. He looked between the farmer and the gang leader, waiting to see who would drop dead first.

Jesper's mouth was hanging open. So much so, his syrup soaked waffle chunk, that he had so enthusiastically stabbed before this interaction, fell to his plate with a muffled plop.

Kaz just waited, watching as Colm's blinding joy seemed to simmer to shine.

"Glad to see your doing better than yesterday," Colm calmly took a sip of his coffee. "And feel free to call me Da anytime."

A/N: not my favorite but it was pieces together. Suggestions plz I will basically take anything. If I didn't do your request already, DM me I probably lost the comment accidentally.

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